IHP 1.3 is out now!
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Any way to upload files through API?
Lillo PRO
Hi! I'm trying to attach a file to an IHP endpoint and catch that file with fileOrNothing, but nothing I try works. Tried everything from base64 to ArrayBuffer and File type in JS, but fileOrNothing ignores it. I have primarily tried to…
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Installation on Windows 10 (wsl): nix-env stderr: error: executing SQLite statement
Jörg Brüggmann
Dear all, I just tried to install IHP according to this installation procedure here: "https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/Guide/installation.html". It seemd to work but when creating the very first project with "ihp-ne" acc…
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How do I see my application specific code in ghci?
when I run ghci in nix-shell I can see all the IHP.Prelude code but I can't see any of the code in my current application. How do I interact with my own code in ghci? Trying things in a repl is one of the main reasons why I like Haskell…
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how do you run ghci in the IHP context?
I am trying to run ghci on my terminal but it can't see the libraries, what is the syntax to run ghci? Here is the output I get from just running ghci: ghci GHCi, version 8.10.1: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help Loaded package…
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JSONB with fill
I noticed that the IHP fill function gives a could not deduce (ParamReader Value) type error when trying to populate a record field with type JSONB. The application here is just looking to store the raw JSON payload from n AJAX request. I&#…
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Setting Cookies
peterbuckley17 PRO
I'd like to set cookies to manage access to a service via Cloudfront. Is there a best-practice way of setting a simple cookie {key}={value}? I'm having trouble parsing through the Session cookie code for inspiration. …
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How do i run more services?
Carl Hedgren PRO
I have a service that grabs things from the internet and puts in in postgres, how do i define that in ihp? in other deployments it gets run as a systemd unit. Is the best way to run it as an IHP Job? …
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Any way to import fixtures/tables from production DB to dev DB?
Lillo PRO
Happy New Year everyone! I think I have overheard some different techniques for DB diffing to the IHP fixtures on Slack, so hope someone has some input. Does anyone know of a good way to import the database in production and hydrate the loc…
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Single-query replacement for collectionFetchRelated?
My understanding of the collectionFetchRelated method is that if I query for 100 posts, they will be returned in one query, and then if I want their comments the >>= collectionFetchRelated will then run 100 more queries to return each…
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Autorefresh as pubsub
I set up a websocket connection using this example https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/Guide/websockets.html Would it be possible to track certain DB tables here as well? Like AutoRefresh is doing for actions. I want to push something over WS…
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