IHP 1.3 is out now!
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Build with nix fails after update to v1.1
Gergely Szabo
I just updated my app to IHP v1.1, everything went smoothly, I can run the development server without any issue. However, when I try to run nix-build or nix build, I get errors (I'm not sure which is the correct command at the moment, w…
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This endpoint is only available via a WebSocket
Hi, I am following the doc for creating my first project with ihp, after the command ./start, I get this trace : direnv: loading ~/Documenti/sketchbook/blog/.envrc direnv: export ~PATH [("ihpVersion","1.0.1"),("…
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Business plan alternatives
zhan ishzhanov
Are there any other managed hosting platforms? Is horizontal scaling a thing with ihp for better coverage to reduce latency? …
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Upsert with the Query Builder
Gergely Szabo
In raw SQL it is possible to use INSERT ... ON CONFLICT ... query, to update the record, if it already exists. This feature would be a nice addition (I am currently using withTransaction, to delete conflicts) …
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Nix error when using IHP on Mac M1
Adam Harris
Hi, I'm trying to get up and running on a mac M1. I've followed the steps here: https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/Guide/installation.html to install nix and IHP - everything seemed to work without issues. However when I try and run …
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Running IHP on M1/M2 Mac
Hi How to enable caching on M1 Mac? Right now, it compiles everything from scratch …
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Problems With Deploying to IHPCloud
The last three attempts to deploy my project (https://github.com/unterkoefler/xcuseme) to IHPCloud failed with several different errors. First, for this commit one week ago there was this error when auto-deploying: RecordNotFoundException {…
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Need details on deploying IHP docker to AWS EC2
JGarber PRO
I need details on deploying an IHP app using docker on AWS EC2. Specifically I need to know where the SSL Certificate should be. The link from the deploy doc to http://harlambert.co.uk/ihp_notes/ appears to be broken. Thanks for any help…
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Discriminating unions
Hi! I'm new to Haskell and I'm really impressed by the modelling power of discriminating unions. Fex a zapier clone might do something like this Zap = new Record {id, trigger, actions} data trigger = timerTrigger | httpTriger ... et…
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Pulling production data base into local instsance
Joachim Breitner
I’d like to pull the data from the IHPCloud deployed instance into my local database. I tried pg_dump "postgresql://…?host=database-cloud.cephcue7lnqe.eu-central-1.rds.amazonaws.com" | make psql but the output isn’t promising: SE…
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