"We don't need no stinking badges!" Haha just kidding. Of course we do! I'm just putting up a link to a PR related to the forum badges in case anyone has any comments/suggestions/improvements.
Back from holiday and trying to catchup on forum posts I thought of some usability improvements.
In the homepage overview we should probably limit the size of the post previews
In the homepage overview reverse the ordering of posts to h…
Hi all,
I was trying the IHP Cloud beta and had some questions. Also spotted the question by Chris and thought it might be useful to add a IHP Cloud topic to the forum.
Let me know what you think!
I am trying to deploy a test app to ihpcloud. The app is a slightly upgraded version of the ihp blog. Everything goes fine with the linkup to the GitHub repository. Then the deploy button simply gives a hover text saying "We're st…
It's time for the next release of IHP: 20200918 🎉
Major Changes
Depoyment Documentation: Finally it's here. You can find it inside the Guide. Share your IHP apps with the internet! :). You can find details on how to deploy with IH…
I started learning IHP and after finishing the "Your first project" part in the IHP Guide, I saw how actions where used as routes in two ways:
<a href={pathTo NewPostAction}><...
<a href={ShowPostAction}><...…
I'm usually a Stack user who doesn't bother with version bounds or anything like that for personal projects, so I'm used to adding a package to my dependencies and simply letting Stack figure our how to make it work. I tried to …
It's time for the next release of IHP: 20200904 🎉
Major Changes
Composite Primary Key Support: You can now use tables that have a primary key consisting of multiple columns. This helps you to handle complex database schemas with IHP.…
We've just released a new IHP version! :)
Major Changes
Numeric Primary Keys Supported: IHP now allows numeric (Serial in Postgres-speak) primary keys. Previously only UUIDs have been supported. UUIDs will still be the default. This f…