We've just released a new IHP version! :)
in Postgres-speak) primary keys. Previously only UUIDs have been supported. UUIDs will still be the default. This feature makes it more simple to use IHP with existing databases and services.
you can transform \n
linebreaks to <br>
line breaks. Like get #body post |> nl2br
<!-- 🚀 -->
. This has been added after someone asked for comment syntax on Stack Overflow. This was actually the first IHP-related stack overflow question we've come across.
ParamReader Float
and InputValue Float
instances have been added for better dealing with Float values
instance for IHP record Ids
causing trouble with production deployments
statements twice
instance by default. This makes it easier to work with enums in forms.
To update the IHP version of your project, open default.nix
and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:
rev = "0bb881e0febdf5fb8db939a6c5eb481c76a1b332";
After that run the following command to update your project:
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
In case nix starts rebuilding IHP (might take a while), make sure cachix is set up as expected:
cachix use digitallyinduced
Now you can start your project as usual with ./start
If you have any problems with updating, let us know on the brand new IHP forum.
📧 To stay in the loop, subscribe to the IHP release emails. Or follow digitally induced on twitter..
📅 The next release is expected to be released on 04.09.2020.
Thank you! Having the first IHP question on stackoverflow feels like a good milestone! Hopefully we see more soon :)
I'm glad to see the support for HTML comments - I was going to request the same thing :)
I went ahead and added a new tag for IHP on StackOverflow.