

IHP has first class support for WebSockets.

When you only want to use WebSockets to update the UI: Check out Auto Refresh. The Auto Refresh API provides a high-level approach for pushing HTML/UI updates from the server-side build on top of WebSockets.

The entry points for your WebSocket servers are similiar to the typical IHP controllers, and are also stored in the Web/Controller/ directory. Similiar to normal IHP controllers, the WebSocket servers are also added to the FrontController later on.

Creating a WebSocket Controller

Like a normal IHP controller, the WebSocket controllers are also represented with a custom data type. In this guide we’re starting by creating a new HelloWorld WebSocket application.

Open Web/Types.hs and append this:

data HelloWorldController
    = HelloWorldController
    deriving (Eq, Show, Data)

Next create a new file at Web/Controller/HelloWorld.hs with the following content:

module Web.Controller.HelloWorld where

import Web.Controller.Prelude

instance WSApp HelloWorldController where
    initialState = HelloWorldController

    run = do
        sendTextData ("Hello World!" :: Text)


The controller needs to be hooked into the routing.

Open Web/FrontController.hs and add an import for the new controller:

import Web.Controller.HelloWorld

After that mount it into the application like this:

instance FrontController WebApplication where
    controllers = 
        [ startPage StartPageAction
        -- Generator Marker
        , webSocketApp @HelloWorldController

As you can see, the WebSocket controller is using webSocketApp instead of the usual parseRoute function.

Our HelloWorldController can now be accessed at ws://localhost:8000/HelloWorldController.

Connecting via JS

It’s time to try out our WebSocket controller. Open static/app.js and append this to open a new connection:

var helloWorldController = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8000/HelloWorldController');

helloWorldController.onopen = function (event) {

helloWorldController.onmessage = function (event) {

Open your application at http://localhost:8000 and take a look at the JS console. You will see output like this:

Hello World!

Sending and receiving messages

We’re going to extend our HelloWorldController to first ask for the users name and then print out Hello $name! instead of Hello World!.

Open Web/Controller/HelloWorld and change the code to this:

module Web.Controller.HelloWorld where

import Web.Controller.Prelude

instance WSApp HelloWorldController where
    initialState = HelloWorldController

    run = do
        name :: Text <- receiveData
        sendTextData ("Hello " <> name <> "!")

The receiveData function is used to read data sent by the JS side of our code. The receiveData function waits until the client is sending us some data before it continues running the run function.

On the JS side we now need to send our name like this:

var helloWorldController = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8000/HelloWorldController');

helloWorldController.onopen = function (event) {
    var name = prompt('Your name?');

helloWorldController.onmessage = function (event) {

Once the connection is ready, this will ask for the users name and will then send it over the wire. On the server the call of receiveData will then return the name we entered and the server will send back the greeting.

Sending JSON

There’s a helper sendJSON to send a haskell data structure as a JSON encoded string:

module Web.Controller.HelloWorld where

import Web.Controller.Prelude
import Data.Aeson -- Needed for JSON functions

instance WSApp HelloWorldController where
    initialState = HelloWorldController

    run = do
        name :: Text <- receiveData
        sendJSON HelloWorldResponse { name }

data HelloWorldResponse = HelloWorldResponse { name :: Text }

-- Encode 'HelloWorldResponse' as { name: "<the name>" }
-- See Aeson docs https://hackage.haskell.org/package/aeson-
instance ToJSON HelloWorldResponse where
    toJSON HelloWorldResponse { name } = object ["name" .= name]

In this example the client needs to send his name first. After that the server will send a message {"name":"<name previously sent by client>"} to the client.

Receiving Other Data Types

The receiveData function can also deal with other types such as Int or UUID. You can use it like that:

myInt  :: Int  <- receiveData
myUUID :: UUID <- receiveData
myBool :: Bool <- receiveData

Managing State

Let’s say we want to print out $name has left when the WebSocket connection is closed. For that we need to keep track of the name somewhere.

First we need to change our data type to reflect our different states:

data HelloWorldController
    = WaitForName
    | NameEntered { name :: Text }
    deriving (Eq, Show, Data)

The WaitForName now reflects the state before the names has been entered, and the NameEntered { name = ".." } keeps track of the entered name.

We need to update the controller to reflect our new data structure. First we need to make WaitForName the start state. For that we need to update the initialState in Web/Controller/HelloWorld.hs:

    initialState = WaitForName

Next we’re going to update our run function to update the state after it got the name from the JS side:

    run = do
        name <- receiveData @Text

        setState NameEntered { name }

        sendTextData ("Hello " <> name <> "!")

The setState NameEntered { name } changes the state from WaitForName to NameEntered.

To do something when the connection is closed, we’re using the onClose lifecycle event:

module Web.Controller.HelloWorld where

import Web.Controller.Prelude

instance WSApp HelloWorldController where
    initialState = WaitForName

    run = do
        name <- receiveData @Text
        setState NameEntered { name }
        sendTextData ("Hello " <> name <> "!")

    onClose = do
        state <- getState
        case state of
            WaitForName -> pure () -- Do nothing in case the connection is closed before a name was entered
            NameEntered { name } -> do
                let message :: Text = name <> " has left!"
                putStrLn message

You can see that we can access the state using state <- getState.

Now whenever the connection is closed, it will print out the message inside the terminal where the IHP server is running.

Good to know: The connection is automatically closed when the run function has finished. Therefore it’s normal that the ... has left! message is directly printed after you entered the name. To keep it running until the browser windows is closed, add a forever to the run function:

run = do
    -- Loops until the connection is closed
    forever do
        name <- receiveData @Text
        setState NameEntered { name }
        sendTextData ("Hello " <> name <> "!")

As you’ve seen above the primitive state operations are setState and getState. Using these two operations together with a good data structure is a very powerful way to manage your stateful WebSocket connections.

Accessing the current user

When the user is logged in, you can use the normal auth functions like currentUser inside the WebSocket controller as well:

module Web.Controller.HelloWorld where

import Web.Controller.Prelude

instance WSApp HelloWorldController where
    run = do
        let name = currentUser.name
        sendTextData ("Hello " <> name <> "!")


Receiving Custom Data Types

You can write a custom decoder for receiveData by writing an instance of WebSocketsData for your data type. Here’s an example for how the UUID decoder is implemented:

import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe

instance WS.WebSocketsData UUID where
    fromDataMessage (WS.Text byteString _) = UUID.fromLazyASCIIBytes byteString |> Maybe.fromJust
    fromDataMessage (WS.Binary byteString) = UUID.fromLazyASCIIBytes byteString |> Maybe.fromJust
    fromLazyByteString byteString = UUID.fromLazyASCIIBytes byteString |> Maybe.fromJust
    toLazyByteString = UUID.toLazyASCIIBytes

Custom Routing

You can override the usual path at which the WebSocket controller is available by using webSocketAppWithCustomPath:

instance FrontController WebApplication where
    controllers = 
        [ startPage StartPageAction
        -- Generator Marker
        , webSocketAppWithCustomPath @HelloWorldController "my-ws"

In this example the WebSocket server will be available at /my-ws.


By default the server will ping the browser every 30 seconds to make sure that the connection is still alive. You can run custom code whenever the ping has finished by overriding the onPing function.

Here’s an example of how AutoRefresh uses onPing to keep Auto Refresh Sessions from being closed:

    onPing = do
        now <- getCurrentTime
        AutoRefreshActive { sessionId } <- getState
        updateSession sessionId (\session -> session { lastPing = now })