Deploying with
- Deploying with Docker
- Deploying on Bare Metal
- CSS & JS Bundling
- Operating an IHP app
- Building with Nix
- Recommended Env Vars
- Advanced Env Vars
Deploying with deploy-to-nixos
IHP comes with a standard command called deploy-to-nixos
. This tool is a little wrapper around nixos-rebuild
and allows you to deploy IHP apps to a NixOS server. With deploy-to-nixos
you can manage your servers in a fully declarative way and keep the full configuration in your git repository.
AWS EC2 is a good choice for deploying IHP in a professional setup.
AWS infrastructure preparation
Creating infrastructure with Terraform
The EC2 instance, RDS database, VPS, subnets, security groups, etc, can be setup automatically using Terraform.
Install terraform
Setup AWS credentials in
Copy the files from the IaC/aws folder from the branch IaC-aws in ihp-boilerplate to you IHP project repo. Run the init command from the IaC/aws folder:
terraform init
Create the file
with the following content:prefix = "Project prefix for the resource names" region = "AWS Region to deploy to" az_1 = "Availability Zone 1" az_2 = "Availability Zone 2" key_name = "The key name of the SSH key-pair" db_password = "The password for the RDS database"
- The two AZs are needed to setup the RDS database.
- The SSH key-pair should be created in the AWS web interface.
terraform apply
Important data like the RDS endpoint and the EC2 instance URL is written to the file
Now the NixOS instance and Postgres database is setup and an SSH conncetion can be established to it.
Creating a new EC2 Instance
Start a new EC2 instance and use the official NixOS AMI NixOS-23.05.426.afc48694f2a-x86_64-linux
. You can find the latest NixOS AMI at
Example steps:
- Visit EC2 creation page in your desired region.
- Select AMI by name, it will appear under “Community AMIs” after searching by name (there can be a slight delay before the result appears as it searches in all community AMIs).
Select at least a
instance size to have enough RAM for the compilation. For a real-world application, chances are that you needt3a.medium
to successfully compile it. - Specify a generous root disk volume. By nature NixOS can consume lots of disk space as you trial-and-error your application deployment. As a minimum, we advise 60 GiB.
Network settings
, allow SSH traffic from your IP address only, allow HTTPS and HTTP traffic from the internet. Due to the certificate validation for Let’s Encrypt, even if your application does not need to have it, allow HTTP too. -
Make sure to attach SSH keys to the instance at creation time, that is available locally, so you can SSH to the EC2 instance without password later.
- Either before creating the EC2 instance, you import your existing keypair to EC2 Key Pairs, then you should select it at the EC2 creation page.
Or let AWS create one on-the-fly:
. Afterwards, you will be able to download the private key file, later on it is referred as
in this documentation.
(Optional) Creating an RDS Instance
For production systems, it is advised to use a fully managed PostgreSQL instance, it can be multi-region, fault tolerant, but most of all, daily backups happen automatically with configurable retention.
To switch from the local PostgreSQL instance to a managed one (you can do it after or before the initial deployment), you can execute the following steps:
- Visit RDS creation page in your desired region.
- Select PostgreSQL as the Engine Type.
- Select a compatible Engine Version, there are good chances that the very last version will fit.
At Templates, Choose
Free Tier
for any non-live environments,Production
for the live environment. -
(Optional) Choose
Auto generate password
for having a secure master password. -
Connect to an EC2 compute resource
and select your already existing EC2 instance. -
Then you can
Create database
. This process is slow, check back in 10 minutes or so afterward. Note down the auto-generated password. -
Edit your
, underflake.nixosConfigurations."ihp-app".services.ihp
, you can specify the database URL like:databaseUrl = lib.mkForce "postgresql://";
. You can find the proper hostname after the initialization is complete, on the RDS instance detail page. -
pg_dump --no-owner --no-acl
your existing local database on the EC2 instance directly, and then, you can load it to the newly created instance viapgsql
won’t populate the initial schema at an existing remote database, that’s why dumping,scp d
ing and loading it viapsql
is necessary.
(Optional) Creating an S3 bucket
If your application needs to store files, on AWS, those should use an S3 bucket for that.
Infrastructure-side preparation:
- Visit the S3 creation page and create a bucket in the same region..If objects should or should not be public, it’s up to the application’s business requirements. The S3 ARN from the S3 details page should be noted down.
- Create an new IAM user for the S3 access. Create an AWS access key for that IAM user.
- For that user, attach a policy that allows access to the bucket, for example:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": [
- See the Storage guide on how to use the access key.
If your application requires so, make the S3 bucket publicly available.
- Go to (permissions tab of the S3 bucket)
Block all public access
to entirely off. - Set a bucket policy like this:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "YOUR-BUCKET-ARN/*"
- Test the access by locating a file in a bucket under Objects and “Copy S3 URI” for it.
(Optional) Connecting CloudWatch
For a production system, logging is essential, so you are informed about anomalies before customer complaints, or you are able to provide an evidence for an incident and so on.
Mind the region of your EC2 instance for these steps.
- Create a CloudWatch log group, note down the ARN.
Create a log stream inside the previously created log group, for instance
. - Create an IAM user with an access key and secret with the following policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Configure the
part in yourflake.nix
to activate logging:
services.vector = {
enable = true;
journaldAccess = true;
settings = {
sources.journald = {
type = "journald";
include_units = ["app.service" "nginx.service" "worker.service"];
transforms.remap_remove_specific_keys = {
type = "remap";
inputs = ["journald"];
source = ''
sinks.out = {
auth = {
access_key_id = "YOUR-IAM-ACCESS-KEY";
secret_access_key = "YOUR-IAM-ACCESS-KEY";
inputs = ["remap_remove_specific_keys"];
type = "aws_cloudwatch_logs";
compression = "gzip";
encoding.codec = "json";
region = "us-east-1";
group_name = "tpp-qa";
stream_name = "in";
- Review the incoming log entries, adjust remapping accordingly. You might want to remove or transform more entries to make the logs useful for alerts or accountability.
Connecting to the EC2 / Virtual Machine Instance
After you’ve created the instance, configure your local SSH settings to point to the instance.
In your ~/.ssh/config
you typically add something like this:
Host ihp-app
User root
IdentityFile /Users/marc/.ssh/ihp-app.pem
Now you can connect to the instance using ssh ihp-app
Configuring the Instance
In your flake.nix
add the following configuration:
flake.nixosConfigurations."ihp-app" = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
specialArgs = inputs;
modules = [
({ ... }: { = "";
services.ihp = {
domain = "";
migrations = ./Application/Migration;
schema = ./Application/Schema.sql;
fixtures = ./Application/Fixtures.sql;
sessionSecret = "xxx";
# Add swap to avoid running out of memory during builds
# Useful if your server have less than 4GB memory
swapDevices = [ { device = "/swapfile"; size = 8192; } ];
# This should reflect the nixos version from the NixOS AMI initally installed
# After the initial install, it should not be changed. Otherwise e.g. the postgres
# server might need a manual data migration if NixOS changes the default postgres version
system.stateVersion = "23.05";
In the first line the "ihp-app"
needs to be the same as your SSH name from the previous section.
Make sure you put this into the flake-parts.lib.mkFlake
block. The final flake.nix
should look like this:
inputs = {
ihp.url = "github:digitallyinduced/ihp/v1.2";
nixpkgs.follows = "ihp/nixpkgs";
flake-parts.follows = "ihp/flake-parts";
devenv.follows = "ihp/devenv";
systems.follows = "ihp/systems";
outputs = inputs@{ ihp, flake-parts, systems, ... }:
flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
systems = import systems;
imports = [ ihp.flakeModules.default ];
perSystem = { pkgs, ... }: {
ihp = {
enable = true;
projectPath = ./.;
packages = with pkgs; [
# Native dependencies, e.g. imagemagick
haskellPackages = p: with p; [
# Haskell dependencies go here
+ flake.nixosConfigurations."ihp-app" = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
+ system = "x86_64-linux";
+ specialArgs = inputs;
+ modules = [
+ "${nixpkgs}/nixos/modules/virtualisation/amazon-image.nix"
+ ihp.nixosModules.appWithPostgres
+ ({ ... }: {
+ = "";
+ services.ihp = {
+ domain = "";
+ migrations = ./Application/Migration;
+ schema = ./Application/Schema.sql;
+ fixtures = ./Application/Fixtures.sql;
+ sessionSecret = "xxx";
+ };
+ # Job workers are active by default. Disable them like this:
+ # = pkgs.lib.mkForce false;
+ # Add swap to avoid running out of memory during builds
+ # Useful if your server have less than 4GB memory
+ swapDevices = [ { device = "/swapfile"; size = 8192; } ];
+ # This should reflect the nixos version from the NixOS AMI initally installed
+ # After the initial install, it should not be changed. Otherwise e.g. the postgres
+ # server might need a manual data migration if NixOS changes the default postgres version
+ system.stateVersion = "23.05";
+ })
+ ];
+ };
Deploying the App
Now you can deploy the app using deploy-to-nixos
(which is just a small wrapper around nixos-rebuild):
deploy-to-nixos ihp-app
This will connect to the server via SSH and apply the NixOS configuration to the server.
Backward-incompatible database update
If you have a backward-incompatible modification in the schema, you need to recreate the database entirely, or you need an upgrade path.
Steps to do to start from scratch:
make db
locally to have a clean local state. -
make sql_dump > /tmp/[your-app].sql
scp /tmp/[your-app].sql [your-app]-[env]:~
ssh [your-app]-[env]
systemctl stop app.service && (echo "drop database app with (force); create database app;" | psql -U postgres -h [your-db-server-host] -p [your-db-server-port] postgres)
cat [your-app] | psql -U postgres -h [your-db-server-host] -p [your-db-server-port] app
# Consult flake.nix for the values in case. -
rm [your-app].sql
systemctl start app.service
rm /tmp/[your-app].sql
Deploying with Docker
Deploying IHP with docker is a good choice for a professional production setup.
IHP has a first party CLI tool called ihp-app-to-docker-image
to create Docker images out of your app. This tool is available with IHP Pro and IHP Business. If you’re not on IHP Pro yet, now is a good time to try it out. By switching to Pro, you’re supporting the sustainable development of IHP.
Creating a Docker Image
To create a Docker image, we first need to install Podman, and then run the following command:
nix build .#unoptimized-docker-image --option sandbox false --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes
cat result | podman load
Running podman images
you can now see that the image is available:
$ docker images
app g13rks9fb4ik8hnqip2s3ngqq4nq14zw ffc01de1ec7e 54 years ago 86.6MB
timestamp is showing over 50 years ago as the image is built using nix. For having a totally reproducible build, the timestamp is set to Jan 1970, 00:00 UTC
Starting the App Container
First Steps
You can start your app container like this:
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 app:g13rks9fb4ik8hnqip2s3ngqq4nq14zw
Now open http://localhost:8000/
and see that your app is running. It will likely show an error that IHP is unable to connect to the app DB. This will be fixed in the next section.
The app image has to be the fully qualified app:g13rks9fb4ik8hnqip2s3ngqq4nq14zw
form, so this will not work:
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 app
Unable to find image 'app:latest' locally
Connecting the DB
You need to connect a postgres database to get your app working.
It’s recommended to use a managed database service like AWS RDS to run your postgres. For a quick-and-dirty setup you can also use docker to run a database:
$ docker run --name app-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres
# Import the Schema.sql
$ docker exec -i app-db psql -U postgres -d postgres < Application/Schema.sql
# Import the Fixtures.sql
$ docker exec -i app-db psql -U postgres -d postgres < Application/Fixtures.sql
You can configure the database your app connects to using the DATABASE_URL
env variable:
$ docker run \
-p 8000:8000 \
-e 'DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:mysecretpassword@the-hostname/postgres' \
Recommended Env Variables
In production setup’s you want to configure the IHP_SESSION_SECRET
env variable. It’s a private key used to encrypt your session state. If it’s not specified, a new one will generated on each container start. This means that all your users will have to re-login on each container start.
Note on Config/client_session_key.aes
env variable is an alternative for placing a Config/client_session_key.aes
inside the container. It has been added in recent IHP versions only.
When you start an app container without specifying the IHP_SESSION_SECRET
, the app will output the randomly generated one. So you can get a new secret key by starting a new container and copying the value:
$ docker run -it app:g13rks9fb4ik8hnqip2s3ngqq4nq14zw
Server started
There we can copy the IHP_SESSION_SECRET=1J8jtRW331a0IbHBCHmsFNoesQUNFnuHqY8cB5927KsoV5sYmiq3DMmvsYk5S7EDma9YhqZLZWeTFu2pGOxMT2F/5PnifW/5ffwJjZvZcJh9MKPh3Ez9fmPEyxZBDxVp
value and use it as our secret:
$ docker run \
-p 8000:8000 \
-e 'IHP_SESSION_SECRET=1J8jtRW331a0IbHBCHmsFNoesQUNFnuHqY8cB5927KsoV5sYmiq3DMmvsYk5S7EDma9YhqZLZWeTFu2pGOxMT2F/5PnifW/5ffwJjZvZcJh9MKPh3Ez9fmPEyxZBDxVp' \
-e 'DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:mysecretpassword@the-hostname/postgres' \
As of IHP v0.16 this env variable is automatically set to a unqiue build hash.
If you use assetPath
helpers in your app, specifiy the IHP_ASSET_VERSION
env var. Set it e.g. to your commit hash or to the release timestamp.
$ docker run \
-p 8000:8000 \
-e 'IHP_SESSION_SECRET=1J8jtRW331a0IbHBCHmsFNoesQUNFnuHqY8cB5927KsoV5sYmiq3DMmvsYk5S7EDma9YhqZLZWeTFu2pGOxMT2F/5PnifW/5ffwJjZvZcJh9MKPh3Ez9fmPEyxZBDxVp' \
-e 'DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:mysecretpassword@the-hostname/postgres' \
-e 'IHP_ASSET_VERSION=af5f389ef7a64a04c9fa275111e4739c0d4a78d0' \
If the app is running behind a load balancer, set the environment variable IHP_REQUEST_LOGGER_IP_ADDR_SOURCE=FromHeader
to tell IHP to use the X-Real-IP
or X-Forwarded-For
header for detecting the client IP.
$ docker run \
Without specifying this env var, the app will always use http://localhost:8000/
in absolute URLs it’s generating (e.g. when redirecting or sending out emails).
It’s therefore important to set it to the external user-facing web addresss. E.g. if your IHP app is available at
, the variable should be set to that:
$ docker run \
Deploying on Bare Metal
You can build and deploy your IHP app on your own server without external deployment tools.
Make sure that the infrastructure you pick to build your IHP app has enough memory. Otherwise, the build might fail because GHC is very memory hungry. You can also set up a swap file to work around this.
Install Nix on your server
Nix is needed to build your application. Install it the usual way:
curl -L | sh
We recommend to use the digitally induced cachix binary cache to avoid rebuilding the IHP dependencies and IHP itself:
cachix use digitallyinduced
In case you’re on NixOS, you can skip this.
Copy your project folder to your server
Copy your application source code to the build server. If you’re using git
to clone it onto your server, we recommend you use SSH agent forwarding
IHP apps are typically configured using environment variables:
Set the env
to enable production mode -
- Configure any custom settings (This includes ´devenv up´ to download and build any extra Haskell packages, such as the mmark package in the tutorial)
If you deploy behind an Nginx proxy or similar which handles SSL certificates, so the IHP instance only sees http, the IHP_BASEURL
must still have https
as it is used to form absolute URLs.
To configure your database connection: Set the env var DATABASE_URL
to your Postgres connection URL.
Set the env var PORT
to the port the app will listen on.
The database needs the UUID-extension which is enabled by running create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";
If the app is running behind a load balancer, set the environment variable IHP_REQUEST_LOGGER_IP_ADDR_SOURCE=FromHeader
to tell IHP to use the X-Real-IP
or X-Forwarded-For
header for detecting the client IP.
Tweaking memory usage and performance
IHP by default sets some default values for the GHC/Haskell Runtime System (RTS) which work well in production with high loads, at the cost of using a bit of memory. If you want your IHP deployment to use less RAM on your machine, try different values for the environment variable GHCRTS
. The default value (set in IHP’s Makefile.dist) is "-A128M -N3 -qn3 -G4"
. If you want very low memory usage, at the cost of more frequent garbage collection, try export GHCRTS="-A16M -N"
. A middle ground is IHPCloud’s default of export GHCRTS="-A128M -N3 -qn3 -G4"
For explanations of these values, see GHC’s manual on the RTS and on RTS options for concurrency. In short, -A
is the allocation area, -G
is number of generations, -qn
is number of threads to use for parallel GC, -N
is number of threads and -n
is the memory chunk area.
First run make prepare-optimized-nix-build
to enable optimized binary builds. You can skip this step in case you want faster build times, and are fine with slower runtime performance.
Inside your project directory call nix-build
. This will trigger a full clean build and place the output at ./result
After the build has finished, you can find the production binary at result/bin/RunProdServer
Starting the app
Now you should be able to start your app by running result/bin/RunProdServer
CSS & JS Bundling
Bundling all your CSS and JS files into a single CSS and JS file can be useful to improve performance when you have many assets.
To decide whether bundling is useful for your application it might be useful to quickly go into details about the browser caching that is applied to all static files.
In production mode IHP automatically adds caching headers to your CSS and JS files following these rules:
: cached for 30 days -
cached for 24 hours -
IHP built-ins (e.g.
, ..): cached for 30 days
This means that all JS and CSS is stored in the browser cache after the first request. This also means that bundling only improves the cache-miss case. To optimise the first request it could be useful to move more scripts from the <head>
to the end of the <body>
in your Layout.hs
. Usually not all CSS and JS is needed when the page is first displayed.
If you have many JS and CSS files that are all required for the initial page render, you should enable bundling.
If you’re curious: The following cache headers are set in production:
Activate Bundling
IHP provides a simple bundling out of the box using make
. These bundles can be generated using these commands:
make static/prod.js # Generates a bundle at static/prod.js
make static/prod.css # Generates a bundle at static/prod.css
The bundling process is only concatenating the files (along the lines of cat a.css b.css c.css > static/prod.css
). There is no minification or transpiling applied.
Bundling should only be used in production. In development mode you should generally not use the bundling mechanism.
Configuring the CSS & JS Bundling
The files that are bundled together to get our prod.css
and prod.js
are configured in your projects Makefile
. Inside your projects Makefile
you will have these statements:
CSS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/bootstrap.min.css
CSS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/flatpickr.min.css
JS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/jquery-3.6.0.slim.min.js
JS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/timeago.js
JS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/popper-2.11.6.min.js
JS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/bootstrap.min.js
JS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/flatpickr.js
JS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/helpers.js
JS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/morphdom-umd.min.js
JS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/turbolinks.js
JS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/turbolinksInstantClick.js
JS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/turbolinksMorphdom.js
You need to add your app-specific CSS and JS files here as well. E.g. if you have an app.css
, layout.css
and app.js
add them by appending this:
CSS_FILES += static/app.css
CSS_FILES += static/layout.css
JS_FILES += static/app.js
Run make static/prod.js static/prod.css
to test that the bundle generation works locally. To force a rebuild, either delete the files and run make again, or run make -B static/prod.js static/prod.css
You can also remove the JS and CSS files that are provided by IHP (like ${IHP}/static/vendor/bootstrap.min.css
) if you don’t need them. E.g. if you don’t use bootstrap for your CSS, just remove the CSS_FILES
statements for bootstrap.
Note on CSS Imports:
If your app.css uses @import
syntax like this:
@import './layout.css';
@import './startpage.css';
Browsers only load these @import
statements if they’re the first rules defined in your CSS file. When bundling your file, you usually have your CSS frameworks and libraries first before your own app specific CSS. That means that the @import
statements will be ignored by the browser in production. To make this work in production you need to duplicate these import statements in your Makefile
like this:
# CSS Frameworks
CSS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/bootstrap.min.css
CSS_FILES += ${IHP}/static/vendor/flatpickr.min.css
CSS_FILES += static/app.css # The main app.css
CSS_FILES += static/layout.css # The first import of app.css
CSS_FILES += static/startpage.css # The second import of app.css
Enabling Bundling in the Layout
We need to update the Layout.hs
to only load prod.css
and prod.js
when running in production.
For that we use isDevelopment
and isProduction
to conditionally load different files. Change your Web/View/Layout.hs
to look like this:
stylesheets :: Html
stylesheets = do
when isDevelopment [hsx|
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/vendor/bootstrap.min.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/vendor/flatpickr.min.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/app.css"/>
when isProduction [hsx|
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/prod.css"/>
scripts :: Html
scripts = do
when isDevelopment [hsx|
<script id="livereload-script" src="/livereload.js"></script>
<script src="/vendor/jquery-3.6.0.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/vendor/timeago.js"></script>
<script src="/vendor/popper-2.11.6.min.js"></script>
<script src="/vendor/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="/vendor/flatpickr.js"></script>
<script src="/helpers.js"></script>
<script src="/vendor/morphdom-umd.min.js"></script>
when isProduction [hsx|
<script src="/prod.js"></script>
Updating your Deployment Process
If you’re using Nix: Nothing to do. The command make static/prod.js static/prod.css
is automatically executed during deployment.
If you’re deploying manually: Make sure that make static/prod.js static/prod.css
is called.
Operating an IHP app
Error Monitoring with Sentry
In production it’s highly recommended to use an exception tracking service like Sentry for error monitoring.
To use sentry in your IHP app you need to install the ihp-sentry plugin. The ihp-sentry plugin is bundled with IHP Pro.
Once the ihp-sentry
plugin is installed and configured, exceptions that happen in production (so option Production
is set) are reported to sentry.
Install ihp-sentry in your IHP app
Add ihp-sentry
to the haskellDeps
in your default.nix
haskellEnv = import "${ihp}/NixSupport/default.nix" {
ihp = ihp;
haskellDeps = p: with p; [
# ...
Now you need to remake your environment using devenv up
Next add import IHP.Sentry
to your Config/Config.hs
module Config where
-- ...
import IHP.Sentry
Add a call to initSentry
inside the Config/Config.hs
to configure the sentry DSN:
module Config where
import IHP.Prelude
import IHP.Environment
import IHP.FrameworkConfig
import IHP.Sentry
config :: ConfigBuilder
config = do
option Development
option (AppHostname "localhost")
initSentry "YOUR-SENTRY-DSN"
Now sentry is set up.
Building with Nix
You can use nix-build
to make a full build of your IHP app:
# Optional, if you skip this the binary will not be optimized by GHC
make prepare-optimized-nix-build
# The actual build process
This will build a nix package that contains the following binaries:
, the binary to start web server -
, if you’re using the IHP job queue, this binary will be the entrypoint for the workers -
a binary for each script in
, e.g.Welcome
The build contains an automatic hash for the IHP_ASSET_VERSION
env variable, so cache busting should work out of the box.
Env Var Reference
Your IHP app can be configured at runtime with environment variables.
Recommended Env Vars
Switch IHP to production mode like this:
$ export IHP_ENV="Production"
$ ./build/bin/RunProdServer
The production mode has effects on caching behaviour of static files, logging and error rendering.
You can also use IHP_ENV=Development
to force dev mode.
Without specifying this env var, the app will always use http://localhost:8000/
in absolute URLs it’s generating (e.g. when redirecting or sending out emails).
It’s therefore important to set it to the external user-facing web addresss. E.g. if your IHP app is available at
, the variable should be set to that:
$ export IHP_BASEURL=
$ ./build/bin/RunProdServer
In production setup’s you want to configure the IHP_SESSION_SECRET
env variable. It’s a private key used to encrypt your session state. If it’s not specified, a new one will generated on each app start. This means that all your users will have to re-login on each app start.
Note on Config/client_session_key.aes
env variable is an alternative for placing a Config/client_session_key.aes
inside the your repository. If IHP detects a Config/
folder, and no IHP_SESSION_SECRET
is set, it will automatically create a Config/client_session_key.aes
file. This is designed for persistent sessions in development mode.
When you start an app without specifying the IHP_SESSION_SECRET
and no Config/client_session_key.aes
is found, the app will output the randomly generated one. So you can get a new secret key by starting a new container and copying the value.
An easier way is to use the new-session-secret
CLI command:
$ new-session-secret
On macOS you can directly copy this into your clipboard like this:
$ new-session-secret | pbcopy
Then you can paste the value where needed.
Now we can use this secret and pass it to the app binary via the IHP_SESSION_SECRET
env var:
$ export IHP_SESSION_SECRET="1J8jtRW331a0IbHBCHmsFNoesQUNFnuHqY8cB5927KsoV5sYmiq3DMmvsYk5S7EDma9YhqZLZWeTFu2pGOxMT2F/5PnifW/5ffwJjZvZcJh9MKPh3Ez9fmPEyxZBDxVp"
$ ./build/bin/RunProdServer
If the app is running behind a load balancer, set the environment variable IHP_REQUEST_LOGGER_IP_ADDR_SOURCE=FromHeader
to tell IHP to use the X-Real-IP
or X-Forwarded-For
header for detecting the client IP.
$ ./build/bin/RunProdServer
Specifies the TCP Port where the application will listen to. Defaults to 8000
$ export PORT=1337
$ ./build/bin/RunProdServer
# App now starts on port 1337 instead of 8000
You can configure the database your app connects to using the DATABASE_URL
env variable:
$ export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:mysecretpassword@the-hostname/postgres"
$ ./build/bin/RunProdServer
Advanced Env Vars
As of IHP v0.16 this env variable is automatically set to a unique build hash.
If you use assetPath
helpers in your app, specifiy the IHP_ASSET_VERSION
env var. Set it e.g. to your commit hash or to the release timestamp.
$ export IHP_ASSET_VERSION=af5f389ef7a64a04c9fa275111e4739c0d4a78d0
$ ./build/bin/RunProdServer
IHP by default sets some default values for the GHC/Haskell Runtime System (RTS) which work well in production with high loads, at the cost of using a bit of memory. If you want your IHP deployment to use less RAM on your machine, try different values for the environment variable GHCRTS
. The default value (set in IHP’s Makefile.dist) is "-A128M -N3 -qn3 -G4"
. If you want very low memory usage, at the cost of more frequent garbage collection, try export GHCRTS="-A16M -N"
. A middle ground is IHPCloud’s default of export GHCRTS="-A128M -N3 -qn3 -G4"
For explanations of these values, see GHC’s manual on the RTS and on RTS options for concurrency. In short, -A
is the allocation area, -G
is number of generations, -qn
is number of threads to use for parallel GC, -N
is number of threads and -n
is the memory chunk area.
Only relevant in dev mode. This defaults to IHP_IDE_BASEURL=http://localhost:8001
A database role used by IHP DataSync. Defaults to ihp_authenticated
The maximum number of subscriptions per websocket connection in IHP DataSync. Defaults to 128
The maximum number of database transactions per websocket connection in IHP DataSync. Defaults to 10