Safe Haskell | None |
- class HasPath controller => CanRoute controller where
- parseRoute' :: Parser controller
- class HasPath controller where
- class Data controller => AutoRoute controller where
- autoRouteWithIdType :: (?context :: RequestContext, Data idType) => (ByteString -> Maybe idType) -> Parser controller
- autoRoute :: Parser controller
- allowedMethodsForAction :: ByteString -> [StdMethod]
- runAction :: (Controller controller, ?context :: ControllerContext, ?modelContext :: ModelContext, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?requestContext :: RequestContext) => controller -> IO ResponseReceived
- get :: (Controller action, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Typeable application, Typeable action) => ByteString -> action -> Parser Application
- post :: (Controller action, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Typeable application, Typeable action) => ByteString -> action -> Parser Application
- startPage :: (Controller action, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Typeable application, Typeable action) => action -> Parser Application
- frontControllerToWAIApp :: (?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, FrontController app, WSApp autoRefreshApp, Typeable autoRefreshApp, InitControllerContext ()) => Middleware -> app -> Application -> Application
- withPrefix :: ByteString -> [Parser ByteString b] -> Parser ByteString b
- class FrontController application where
- controllers :: [Parser Application]
- router :: [Parser Application] -> Parser Application
- defaultRouter :: (?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?application :: application, ?context :: RequestContext, FrontController application) => [Parser Application] -> Parser Application
- parseRoute :: (?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Controller controller, CanRoute controller, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, Typeable application, Typeable controller) => Parser Application
- catchAll :: (?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Controller action, InitControllerContext application, Typeable action, ?application :: application, Typeable application, Data action) => action -> Parser Application
- mountFrontController :: (?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, FrontController frontController) => frontController -> Parser Application
- createAction :: AutoRoute controller => Maybe controller
- updateAction :: AutoRoute controller => Maybe (id -> controller)
- urlTo :: (?context :: context, ConfigProvider context, HasPath action) => action -> Text
- parseUUID :: Parser UUID
- parseId :: forall (table :: Symbol). PrimaryKey table ~ UUID => Parser (Id' table)
- parseIntegerId :: Data idType => ByteString -> Maybe idType
- remainingText :: Parser Text
- parseText :: Parser Text
- webSocketApp :: (WSApp webSocketApp, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Typeable application, Typeable webSocketApp) => Parser Application
- webSocketAppWithCustomPath :: (WSApp webSocketApp, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Typeable application, Typeable webSocketApp) => ByteString -> Parser Application
- webSocketAppWithHTTPFallback :: (WSApp webSocketApp, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Typeable application, Typeable webSocketApp, Controller webSocketApp) => Parser Application
- onlyAllowMethods :: (?context :: RequestContext) => [StdMethod] -> Parser ()
- getMethod :: (?context :: RequestContext) => Parser StdMethod
- routeParam :: (?context :: RequestContext, ParamReader paramType) => ByteString -> paramType
class HasPath controller => CanRoute controller where Source #
parseRoute' :: Parser controller Source #
CanRoute ApiController Source # | |
Defined in IHP.DataSync.REST.Routes Methods | |
CanRoute SitemapController Source # | |
Defined in IHP.SEO.Sitemap.Routes Methods | |
CanRoute WelcomeController Source # | |
Defined in IHP.Welcome.Controller Methods | |
(AutoRoute controller, Controller controller) => CanRoute controller Source # | |
Defined in IHP.RouterSupport Methods parseRoute' :: Parser controller Source # | |
CanRoute (JobsDashboardController authType jobs) Source # | |
Defined in IHP.Job.Dashboard.Types Methods parseRoute' :: Parser (JobsDashboardController authType jobs) Source # |
class HasPath controller where Source #
pathTo :: controller -> Text Source #
Returns the path to a given action
pathTo UsersAction
pathTo ShowUserAction { userId = "a32913dd-ef80-4f3e-9a91-7879e17b2ece" }
HasPath ApiController Source # | |
Defined in IHP.DataSync.REST.Routes Methods pathTo :: ApiController -> Text Source # | |
HasPath SitemapController Source # | |
Defined in IHP.SEO.Sitemap.Routes Methods pathTo :: SitemapController -> Text Source # | |
HasPath WelcomeController Source # | |
Defined in IHP.Welcome.Controller Methods pathTo :: WelcomeController -> Text Source # | |
(Show controller, AutoRoute controller) => HasPath controller Source # | |
Defined in IHP.RouterSupport | |
HasPath (JobsDashboardController authType jobs) Source # | |
Defined in IHP.Job.Dashboard.Types Methods pathTo :: JobsDashboardController authType jobs -> Text Source # |
class Data controller => AutoRoute controller where Source #
Minimal complete definition
autoRouteWithIdType :: (?context :: RequestContext, Data idType) => (ByteString -> Maybe idType) -> Parser controller Source #
autoRoute :: Parser controller Source #
allowedMethodsForAction :: ByteString -> [StdMethod] Source #
Specifies the allowed HTTP methods for a given action
The default implementation does a smart guess based on the usual naming conventions for controllers.
Example (for default implementation):
allowedMethodsForAction @ProjectsController "DeleteProjectAction"
allowedMethodsForAction @ProjectsController "UpdateProjectAction"
allowedMethodsForAction @ProjectsController "CreateProjectAction"
allowedMethodsForAction @ProjectsController "ShowProjectAction"
allowedMethodsForAction @ProjectsController "HelloAction"
(TypeError ((('Text "Looks like you forgot to pass a " ':<>: 'ShowType argument) ':<>: 'Text " to this ") ':<>: 'ShowType controller) :: Constraint, Data argument, Data controller, Data (argument -> controller)) => AutoRoute (argument -> controller) Source # | Display a better error when the user missed to pass an argument to an action. E.g. when you forgot to pass a projectId to the ShowProjectAction: <a href={ShowProjectAction}>Show project</a> The correct code would be this: <a href={ShowProjectAction projectId}>Show project</a> |
Defined in IHP.RouterSupport Methods autoRouteWithIdType :: (?context :: RequestContext, Data idType) => (ByteString -> Maybe idType) -> Parser (argument -> controller) Source # autoRoute :: Parser (argument -> controller) Source # allowedMethodsForAction :: ByteString -> [StdMethod] Source # |
runAction :: (Controller controller, ?context :: ControllerContext, ?modelContext :: ModelContext, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?requestContext :: RequestContext) => controller -> IO ResponseReceived Source #
get :: (Controller action, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Typeable application, Typeable action) => ByteString -> action -> Parser Application Source #
Routes a given path to an action when requested via GET.
instance FrontController WebApplication where controllers = [ get "/my-custom-page" NewSessionAction ]
The request GET /my-custom-page
is now executing NewSessionAction
Also see post
post :: (Controller action, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Typeable application, Typeable action) => ByteString -> action -> Parser Application Source #
Routes a given path to an action when requested via POST.
instance FrontController WebApplication where controllers = [ post "/do-something" DoSomethingAction ]
The request POST /do-something
is now executing DoSomethingAction
Also see get
startPage :: (Controller action, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Typeable application, Typeable action) => action -> Parser Application Source #
Defines the start page for a router (when /
is requested).
frontControllerToWAIApp :: (?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, FrontController app, WSApp autoRefreshApp, Typeable autoRefreshApp, InitControllerContext ()) => Middleware -> app -> Application -> Application Source #
withPrefix :: ByteString -> [Parser ByteString b] -> Parser ByteString b Source #
class FrontController application where Source #
Minimal complete definition
defaultRouter :: (?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?application :: application, ?context :: RequestContext, FrontController application) => [Parser Application] -> Parser Application Source #
parseRoute :: (?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Controller controller, CanRoute controller, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, Typeable application, Typeable controller) => Parser Application Source #
catchAll :: (?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Controller action, InitControllerContext application, Typeable action, ?application :: application, Typeable application, Data action) => action -> Parser Application Source #
mountFrontController :: (?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, FrontController frontController) => frontController -> Parser Application Source #
createAction :: AutoRoute controller => Maybe controller Source #
Returns the create action for a given controller. Example: `createAction @UsersController == Just CreateUserAction`
updateAction :: AutoRoute controller => Maybe (id -> controller) Source #
Returns the update action when given a controller and id. Example: `updateAction @UsersController == Just (id -> UpdateUserAction id)`
urlTo :: (?context :: context, ConfigProvider context, HasPath action) => action -> Text Source #
Returns the url to a given action.
Uses the baseUrl configured in Config/Config.hs
. When no baseUrl
is configured in development mode, it will automatically detect the
correct baseUrl
urlTo UsersAction
urlTo ShowUserAction { userId = "a32913dd-ef80-4f3e-9a91-7879e17b2ece" }
parseId :: forall (table :: Symbol). PrimaryKey table ~ UUID => Parser (Id' table) Source #
Parses an UUID, afterwards wraps it in an Id
parseIntegerId :: Data idType => ByteString -> Maybe idType Source #
remainingText :: Parser Text Source #
Returns all the remaining text until the end of the input
webSocketApp :: (WSApp webSocketApp, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Typeable application, Typeable webSocketApp) => Parser Application Source #
Routes to a given WebSocket app if the path matches the WebSocket app name
instance FrontController WebApplication where controllers = [ webSocketApp @AutoRefreshWSApp ]
The request /AutoRefreshWSApp
will call the AutoRefreshWSApp
webSocketAppWithCustomPath :: (WSApp webSocketApp, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Typeable application, Typeable webSocketApp) => ByteString -> Parser Application Source #
Routes to a given WebSocket app if the path matches
instance FrontController WebApplication where controllers = [ webSocketAppWithCustomPath @AutoRefreshWSApp "my-ws-app" ]
The request /my-ws-app
will call the AutoRefreshWSApp
webSocketAppWithHTTPFallback :: (WSApp webSocketApp, InitControllerContext application, ?application :: application, ?applicationContext :: ApplicationContext, ?context :: RequestContext, Typeable application, Typeable webSocketApp, Controller webSocketApp) => Parser Application Source #
onlyAllowMethods :: (?context :: RequestContext) => [StdMethod] -> Parser () Source #
Filter methods when writing a custom routing parser
instance CanRoute ApiController where parseRoute' = do string "/api/" let createRecordAction = do onlyAllowMethods [POST] table <- parseText endOfInput pure CreateRecordAction { table } updateRecordAction = do onlyAllowMethods [PATCH] table <- parseText string "/" id <- parseUUID pure UpdateRecordAction { table, id } createRecordAction <|> updateRecordAction
getMethod :: (?context :: RequestContext) => Parser StdMethod Source #
Parses the HTTP Method from the request and returns it.
routeParam :: (?context :: RequestContext, ParamReader paramType) => ByteString -> paramType Source #
Parses and returns an integer parseRational :: (Integral a) => Parser a parseRational = Attoparsec.decimal
Parses a route query parameter
let showPost = do string "/post" let postId = routeParam "postId" pure ShowPostAction { .. }
Will parse the postId
query in `/post?postId=09b545dd-9744-4ef8-87b8-8d227f4faa1e`
Orphan instances
HasPath action => ConvertibleStrings action AttributeValue Source # | This instances makes it possible to write |
Methods convertString :: action -> AttributeValue # |