This section describes best-practice solutions to the common tasks you are facing when building web applications.
- Static Pages
- Uploading a user profile picture
- Checking that the current user has permission to access the action
- Checking that an email is unique
- Don’t auto-open the app in the browser
Getting an
Id Something
from aUUID
Getting a
Id Something
from aText
- Having an image as a Logout button
- Making a dynamic Login/Logout button
- Making an HTTP request
- Confirm before the link is used
- How to generate a random string
- Working with Dates in IHP and Haskell
- Basic Data Scraping, HTTP and JSON
- How to get all values of an enum?
- Read a file from filesystem / create a custom 404 page
- Highlight the targeted element
- Integrate a rich text editor
- Add current year to the footer
- Favicon
Static Pages
For adding a static page like e.g. a start page, terms of service, privacy, pricing, etc. you usually use a normal controller which just renders the view for that page. The only special thing is, that you might want to customize the routing to have SEO-friendly URLs.
Let’s say we have a controller like this defined in Web.Types
data StaticController
= AboutAction
| TermsAction
deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
The controller implementation will look like this in Web.Controller.Static
module Web.Controller.Static where
import Web.Controller.Prelude
import Web.View.Static.Terms
import Web.View.Static.About
instance Controller StaticController where
action TermsAction = render TermsView
action AboutAction = render AboutView
We can now customize the routing in Web.Routes
by first deleting the instance AutoRoute StaticController
statement to delete the auto generated routing configuration and append:
instance HasPath StaticController where
pathTo TermsAction = "/terms"
pathTo AboutAction = "/about"
instance CanRoute StaticController where
parseRoute' =
(string "/terms" <* endOfInput >> pure TermsAction)
<|> (string "/about" <* endOfInput >> pure AboutAction)
Now the terms can be reached at /terms
instead of /Terms
. The about is at /about
now, instead of /About
Add the static controller to the Web.FrontController
instance FrontController WebApplication where
controllers =
[ startPage HomeAction,
parseRoute @StaticController -- <-- Add this line
-- Generator Marker
Uploading a user profile picture
You can easily upload a user profile picture using uploadImageWithOptions
inside your UpdateUserAction
action UpdateUserAction { userId } = do
user <- fetch userId
accessDeniedWhen (userId /= currentUserId)
let profilePictureOptions = ImageUploadOptions
{ convertTo = "jpg"
, imageMagickOptions = "-resize '1024x1024^' -gravity north -extent 1024x1024 -quality 85% -strip"
|> fill @["firstname", "lastname", "pictureUrl"]
|> uploadImageWithOptions profilePictureOptions #pictureUrl
>>= ifValid \case
Left user -> render EditView { .. }
Right user -> do
user <- user |> updateRecord
setSuccessMessage "Your changes have been saved."
redirectTo EditUserAction { .. }
This accepts any kind of image file compatible with ImageMagick, resize it, reduce the image quality, strip all meta information, and save it as JPG. The file is stored inside the static/uploads
folder in the project (the directory will be created if it does not exist).
In your view, just use the image URL like <img src={currentUser.pictureUrl}/>
Note that when you define the picture_url
field in your users
table that you
must check the Nullable
select box with a default Null
. This ensures your
data has a Maybe Text
type and can handle
cases where the user has not uploaded any image.
If ImageMagick is not installed you will get a picture.upload
in the uploads folder, but no picture.jpg
. To install ImageMagick, checkout Using a native dependency.
There is currently no special form helper for file uploads. Just specify it manually like this:
instance View EditView where
html EditView { .. } = [hsx|
<h1>Profil bearbeiten</h1>
{renderForm user}
picturePath :: Text
picturePath = user.pictureUrl
renderForm :: User -> Html
renderForm user = formFor user [hsx|
<div style="max-width: 300px">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="user_picture_url">
<img id="user_picture_url_preview" src={picturePath} style="width: 12rem; min-height: 12rem; min-width: 12rem" class="mt-2 img-thumbnail text-center text-muted" alt="Foto auswahlen"/>
<input id="user_picture_url" type="file" name="pictureUrl" class="form-control form-control-file" style="display: none" data-preview="#user_picture_url_preview"/>
<a class="d-block text-muted text-center" href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('user_picture_url_preview').click()">Neues Foto auswahlen</a>
{(textField #firstname) { fieldLabel = "Vorname:" }}
{(textField #lastname) { fieldLabel = "Nachname:" }}
{submitButton { label = "Speichern" }}
Checking that the current user has permission to access the action
Use accessDeniedWhen like this:
action EditPostAction { postId } = do
post <- fetch postId
-- Access denied if the current user is not the author of the post.
accessDeniedWhen (post.authorId /= currentUserId)
renderHtml EditView { .. }
Or the opposite command accessDeniedUnless like this:
action EditPostAction { postId } = do
post <- fetch postId
-- Access denied if the current user is not the author of the post.
accessDeniedUnless (post.authorId == currentUserId)
renderHtml EditView { .. }
Sometimes you’d want to hide the fact a resource exists at all. For example, if a user is not allowed to see a other users, you might want to show a page not found instead of an access denied page. You can do this with notFoundWhen and notFoundUnless.
## Creating a custom validator
If needed you can just write your constraint, e.g. like this:
nonEmpty :: Text -> ValidatorResult
nonEmpty "" = Failure "This field cannot be empty"
nonEmpty _ = Success
isAge :: Int -> ValidatorResult
isAge = isInRange (0, 100)
This is also useful if you need the messages to be in another language.
Checking that an email is unique
Use validateIsUnique
Don’t auto-open the app in the browser
To prevent the IHP development server from automatically opening the development tooling in your web browser when running devenv up
, set the IHP_BROWSER
environment variable to echo
export IHP_BROWSER=echo
devenv up
This will then just print out the URL which would be opened on start.
Getting an Id Something
from a UUID
Sometimes you have a UUID value that represents some record id. To get the types right, you can transform it like this:
let myUUID = ...
let projectId = (Id myUUID) :: Id Project
In case the id is hard coded, you can just type the UUID value with the right type signature like this:
let projectId = "ca63aace-af4b-4e6c-bcfa-76ca061dbdc6" :: Id Project
Getting a Id Something
from a Text
/ ByteString
/ String
Sometimes you have a text, bytestring, or string which represents some record id. You can transform it into an Id like this:
let myUUID :: Text = ...
let projectId = textToId myUUID
In case the id is hard coded, you can just type the UUID value with the right type signature like this:
let projectId = "ca63aace-af4b-4e6c-bcfa-76ca061dbdc6" :: Id Project
Having an image as a Logout button
The DeleteSessionAction
expects a HTTP DELETE
request, which is set by JavaScript on click. This does not currently work well with an image inside a link. A workaround is to have the image be the background, like this:
class="js-delete js-delete-no-confirm"
style="background:url(/logout.svg) left center no-repeat;width:40px"
Making a dynamic Login/Logout button
Depending on the Maybe User
type in the ControllerContext, by using fromFrozenContext
we can tell if no user is logged in when the Maybe User
is Nothing
, and confirm someone is logged in if the Maybe User
is a Just user
. Here is an example of a navbar, which has a dynamic Login/Logout button. You can define this in your View/Layout to reuse this in your Views.
syntax fromfromFrozenContext @(Maybe User)
is just syntax sugar forlet maybeUser :: Maybe User = fromFrozenContext
navbar :: Html
navbar = [hsx|
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">IHP Blog</a>
<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarSupportedContent" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent">
<ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href={PostsAction}>Posts</a>
loginLogoutButton :: Html
loginLogoutButton =
case fromFrozenContext @(Maybe User) of
Just user -> [hsx|<a class="js-delete js-delete-no-confirm text-secondary" href={DeleteSessionAction}>Logout</a>|]
Nothing -> [hsx|<a class="text-secondary" href={NewSessionAction}>Login</a>|]
You can see this code in action in the auth
branch from our example blog.
Protip: If the Maybe User
is a Just user
you can use the user object to run specific actions or retrieve information from it. This way you could display the username of the logged-in user above the logout button.
Making an HTTP request
To make an HTTP request, you need Wreq
. You need to add it to your Haskell dependencies in the default.nix
file, like here:
haskellDeps = p: with p; [
wreq <-- Add this
Then you need to import it in your controller/script:
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq
import Control.Lens ((^.))
To simply fetch and render another website, you could use a function like this:
handleFetchAction :: _ => Text -> _
handleFetchAction url = do
documentBody <- do
response <- Wreq.get (cs url)
pure (response ^. Wreq.responseBody)
renderPlain (cs documentBody)
When using handleFetchAction ""
, your app would display the google homepage.
Confirm before the link is used
To confirm before a link is fired add an onclick
to the link:
<a href={UsersAction} onclick="if (!confirm('Do you really want to delete the internet?')) event.preventDefault();"></a>
How to generate a random string
To generate a random string which can be used as a secure token or hash use generateAuthenticationToken
import IHP.AuthSupport.Authentication -- Not needed if you're inside an IHP controller
token <- generateAuthenticationToken
-- token = "11D3OAbUfL0P9KNJ09VcUfCO0S9RwI"
Working with Dates in IHP and Haskell
IHP also supports the postgres interval type.
The postgres interval
fields are bytestrings wrapped in a PGInterval
data constructor. The wrapped
bytestring is returned to allow users to provide their own custom parsing logic for how they wish
to treat intervals and to support all of postgres’ different conventions for reporting interval strings.
A helper module to parse the postgres standard format interval bytestrings into a haskell data structure is also included in IHP.Postgres.TimeParser
The PGTimeInterval
data type stores fields for pgYears
, pgMonths
, pgDays
, and pgClock
. This helps users model the particular semantics
of the time intervals and model the way postgres performs date + interval
arithmetic in their application code.
The default behaviour of the parser is not to directly convert the postgres interval of years, months, days, and clock times
into the Haskell NominalDiffTime
. This is because a day is not necessarily 24 hours nor is a year 365 days.
For example, advancing a timestamp by 1 day
will have a different effect to advancing a timestamp by 24 hours
on a day with a daylights savings clock shift resulting in a 25 or 23 hour day. In the former case we can ensure the same time of day
is reached on the succeeding day, in the latter case we can land on a time an hour before or after depending on whether the clock has jumped
forwards or backwards.
The PGTimeInterval
and unpackInterval
is designed to support these kinds of distinctions.
> import Data.Time
> import IHP.Postgres.TimeParser
> let myInterval = unpackInterval (PGInterval "42 days")
> addDays myInterval.pgDays (ModifiedJulianDay 0)
The raw PGInterval bytestring
that models the database record and the PGTimeInterval
which maps an interval string to
standard Haskell Date/Time date types (Integer
) allow the user to model
the time intervals in their application logic according to the postgres standard.
Basic Data Scraping, HTTP and JSON
How to get all values of an enum?
Given a enum defined in the Schema.sql
like this:
CREATE TYPE colors AS ENUM ('yellow', 'red', 'blue');
you can call allEnumValues
to get a list of all the colors:
let allColors = allEnumValues @Color
-- allColors = [ Yellow, Red, Blue ]
This also works if you define custom type in Web/Types.hs
that is deriving Enum
data Color = Yellow | Red | Blue deriving (Enum)
let allColors = allEnumValues @Color
-- allColors = [ Yellow, Red, Blue ]
Read a file from filesystem / create a custom 404 page
If for some reason is not easy enough - you can also write your own function which reads a file and responses with a 404:
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (hContentType)
import Network.HTTP.Types (status404)
import Network.Wai (responseLBS)
customNotFoundResponse :: (?context :: ControllerContext) => IO ()
customNotFoundResponse = do
page <- LBS.readFile "static/404.html"
respondAndExit $ responseLBS status404 [(hContentType, "text/html")] page
Now you can use your customNotFoundResponse
action WelcomeAction = do
post <- fetchOneOrNothing ("30a73014-101e-4269-be91-be6c019de289" :: Id Post)
case post of
Nothing -> customNotFoundResponse -- Database record disappeared !!!
Just post -> render ShowView { .. }
Highlight the targeted element
Let’s say you have a page with comments, and you link to them with <a href="#comment-<comment ID>">
. You can build it like this (assuming you have a
[hsx|<a href={"#comment-" ++ show} id={"comment-" ++ show}>|]
The browser will scroll to the relevant comment when you follow the link, but let’s say you also want to highlight the linked comment — like GitHub does. You could use the :target
selector, but it doesn’t play well with Turbolinks.
The solution is to assign your own class to the targeted element:
// app.js
$(document).on('ready turbolinks:load', function () {
// Highlight the #hash target
const prevMarkedElement = document.querySelector('.hash-target');
if (prevMarkedElement) {
if (location.hash) {
const markedElement = document.querySelector(location.hash);
if (markedElement) {
And then you can style .hash-target
instead of :target
/* app.css */
/* Highlight things linked to via #anchor in the URL */
.hash-target {
box-shadow: #ffe988 0px 0px 0px 3px;
Integrate a rich text editor
- Tiptap (a ProseMirror based editor), as used in
Add current year to the footer
It’s common for the footer to show some copyright like © All Rights Reserved 2022
, where the current year is computed, and not hardcoded.
We achieve that by first getting the current time, and passing it to our default layout in our FrontController.hs
instance InitControllerContext WebApplication where
initContext = do
-- Get the current time.
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
-- Pass it to the default layout.
setLayout (defaultLayout currentTime)
This means that the defaultLayout
in the file Layout.hs
will now get the UTCTime
as its first argument. Rendering the footer with the copyright could look like this:
defaultLayout :: UTCTime -> Html -> Html
defaultLayout currentTime inner = [hsx|
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>{pageTitleOrDefault "App"}</title>
{footer currentTime}
footer :: UTCTime -> Html
footer currentTime = [hsx|
Copyright All Rights Reserved {formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y" currentTime}</footer>
To have a custom favicon, add a <link rel="shortcut icon">
to the metaTags
function Web/View/Layout.hs
metaTags :: Html
metaTags = [hsx|
<!-- ... ->
<!-- Add this meta tag and adjust the `href` attribute: -->
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/icon.svg"/>