
Restricting an action to logged-in users

To restrict an action to a logged-in user, use ensureIsUser:

action PostsAction = do
    posts <- query @Post |> fetch
    render IndexView { .. }

When someone is trying to access the PostsAction but is not logged-in, the browser will be redirected to the login page. After the login succeeded, the user will be redirected back to the PostsAction.

It’s common to restrict all actions inside a controller to logged-in users only. Place the ensureIsUser inside the beforeAction hook to automatically apply it to all actions:

instance Controller PostsController where
    beforeAction = ensureIsUser

    action PostsAction = do
        posts <- query @Post |> fetch
        render IndexView { .. }

    action ShowPostAction { postId } = do
        post <- fetch postId
        render ShowView { .. }

In this case PostsAction and ShowPostAction are only accessible to logged-in users.

Restricting an action to logged-in admins

To restrict an action to a logged-in admin, use ensureIsAdmin instead of ensureIsUser. If you get

    * Could not deduce (HasNewSessionUrl admin0)
        arising from a use of `ensureIsAdmin'
      These potential instance exist:
        instance HasNewSessionUrl Admin -- Defined in `Admin.Types'

then you may have to annotate the type with @Admin. For example:

instance Controller UserController where
    beforeAction =
        ensureIsAdmin @Admin

Checking for Permissions

You can use accessDeniedUnless to allow certain things only for specific users. For example, to restrict a ShowPostAction only to the user who a post belongs to, use this:

    action ShowPostAction { postId } = do
        post <- fetch postId
        accessDeniedUnless (post.userId == currentUserId)

        render ShowView { .. }