- Introduction
- Creating a new query
- Running a query
- Where Conditions
- Order By
- Limit
- Offset
- Or
- Union / Merging two queries
- Shortcuts
projectId |> fetch
The QueryBuilder module allows you to compose database queries in a type-safe way. Below you can find a short reference to all the commonly-used functions.
Creating a new query
To query the database for some records, you first need to build a query.
You can just use the query
function for that.
let myQueryBuilder = query
You can optionally specify the model you want to query:
let myProjectQueryBuilder = query @Project
Running a query
You can run a query using fetch
, fetchOneOrNothing
or fetchOne
many rows: fetch
To run a query which will return many rows use fetch
example :: IO [Project]
example = do
projects <- query @Project |> fetch
-- Query: `SELECT * FROM projects`
pure projects
maybe single row: fetchOneOrNothing
To run a query which will maybe return a single row use fetchOneOrNothing
example :: IO (Maybe Project)
example = do
project <- query @Project |> fetchOneOrNothing
-- Query: `SELECT * FROM projects LIMIT 1`
pure project
single row: fetchOne
To run a query which will return a single row and throw an error if no record is found use fetchOne
example :: IO Project
example = do
project <- query @Project |> fetchOne
-- Query: `SELECT * FROM projects LIMIT 1`
pure project
Where Conditions
To specify WHERE
conditions, you can use filterWhere
projectsByUser :: UserId -> IO [Project]
projectsByUser userId = do
projects <- query @Project
|> filterWhere (#userId, userId)
|> filterWhere (#deleted, False)
|> fetch
-- Query: `SELECT * FROM projects WHERE user_id = <userId> AND deleted = false`
pure projects
Use filterWhereNot
to negate a condition:
projectsByUser :: UserId -> IO [Project]
projectsByUser userId = do
otherProjects <- query @Project
|> filterWhereNot (#userId, userId)
|> fetch
-- Query: `SELECT * FROM projects WHERE user_id != <userId>`
pure otherProjects
There’s a case insensitive variant of filterWhere
called filterWhereCaseInsensitive
userByEmail :: Text -> IO (Maybe User)
userByEmail email = do
user <- query @User
|> filterWhereCaseInsensitive (#email, email)
|> fetchOneOrNothing
-- Query: `SELECT * FROM users WHERE LOWER(email) = <email>`
pure user
You can also use the more general filterWhereSql
retiredEmployees :: IO [Employee]
retiredEmployees = do
employees <- query @Employee
|> filterWhereSql (#retireddate, "IS NOT NULL")
|> fetch
-- Query: `SELECT * FROM employee WHERE retireddate IS NOT NULL`
pure employees
Several other filter-functions for generating WHERE
clauses exist, such as filterWhereIn
and filterWhereNotIn
which take lists of items. Read more about these in the API docs on QueryBuilder
Order By
You can just use orderBy #field
projects <- query @Project
|> orderBy #createdAt
|> fetch
-- Query: `SELECT * FROM projects ORDER BY created_at`
Nested orderBy
s work as expected:
projects <- query @Employee
|> orderBy #lastname
|> orderBy #firstname
|> fetch
-- Query: `SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY lastname, firstname`
To limit the number of rows returned:
projects <- query @Project
|> limit 10
|> fetch
-- Query: `SELECT * FROM projects LIMIT 10`
To skip multiple rows:
projects <- query @Project
|> offset 10
|> fetch
-- Query: `SELECT * FROM projects OFFSET 10`
Offset is most often used together with a limit to implement pagination.
projects <- query @Project
|> queryOr
(filterWhere (#userId, userId)) (filterWhere (#teamId, teamId))
|> fetch
-- Query: `SELECT * FROM projects WHERE (user_id = ?) OR (team_id = ?)`
Union / Merging two queries
Two query builders of the same type can be merged like this:
-- SELECT * FROM projects WHERE team_id = ?
let teamProjects :: QueryBuilder Project = query @Project |> filterWhere (#teamId, teamId)
-- SELECT * FROM projects WHERE team_id IS NULL AND created_by = ?
let personalProjects :: QueryBuilder Project = query @Project |> filterWhere (#teamId, Nothing) |> filterWhere (#createdBy, currentUserId)
-- SELECT * FROM projects WHERE (team_id = ?) OR (team_id IS NULL AND created_by = ?)
let projects :: QueryBuilder Project = queryUnion teamProjects personalProjects
findBy #field value
Just a shortcut for filterWhere (#field, value) |> fetchOne
-- Long version
project <- query @Project |> filterWhere (#userId, userId) |> fetchOne
-- Shorter version
project <- query @Project |> findBy #userId userId
findMaybeBy #field value
Just a shortcut for filterWhere (#field, value) |> fetchOneOrNothing
-- Long version
project <- query @Project |> filterWhere (#userId, userId) |> fetchOneOrNothing
-- Shorter version
project <- query @Project |> findMaybeBy #userId userId
findManyBy #field value
Just a shortcut for filterWhere (#field, value) |> fetch
-- Long version
projects <- query @Project |> filterWhere (#userId, userId) |> fetch
-- Shorter version
projects <- query @Project |> findManyBy #userId userId
projectId |> fetch
Ids also have fetch
implementations, that way you can just run:
let projectId :: ProjectId = ...
project <- projectId |> fetch
For convenience there is also a fetch
implementation for Maybe SomeId
let assignedUserId :: Maybe UserId = project.assignedUserId
assignedUser <- assignedUserId |> fetchOneOrNothing