

IHP applications and the framework itself can log output using the IHP.Log module.

Note: since the logging system is multi-threaded for optimal performance, it is not guaranteed that messages will be printed in order. If you need to know exact ordering it’s recommended you rely on the timestamp.

Log levels

IHP logging uses log levels to determine which messages should be printed. This way, you can log messages to help in development without flooding production logs.

The available log levels are debug, info, warn, error, fatal, and unknown. In development, the default log level is debug. In production, the default log level is info. Log messages will only be output if their log level is greater than or equal to the logger’s configured log level.

Sending messages

In any controller or model code, you can log a message at a given log level by simply calling Log.debug, Log.info, or any of the other available log levels.


action TopPerformancesAction {collection} = do
    Log.debug "starting TopPerformancesAction"
    let n = paramOrDefault 5 "numPerformances"
    band <- fetchBand collection
    topPerformances <- fetchTopPerformances collection n
    Log.debug $ show (length topPerformances) <> " top performances received."
    whenEmpty topPerformances $ Log.warn "No performances found! Something might be wrong"
    render TopPerformancesView {..}

Make sure you have the IHP.Log module imported qualified as Log:

import qualified IHP.Log as Log


Configure the IHP logger in Config/Config.hs. First, make sure you have imported the IHP.Log modules:

import qualified IHP.Log as Log
import IHP.Log.Types

Using the newLogger function, create a logger with the desired options. For example, here is a logger that formats logs with a timestamp at the Debug log level:

logger <- liftIO $ newLogger def {
  level = Debug,
  formatter = withTimeFormatter
option logger

The available configuration options can be found in the LoggerSettings record.

data LoggerSettings = LoggerSettings {
  level       :: LogLevel,
  formatter   :: LogFormatter,
  destination :: LogDestination,
  timeFormat  :: TimeFormat

Configuring log level

Set level to one of the available constructors for the LogLevel type:

data LogLevel
  = Debug
  | Info
  | Warn
  | Error
  | Fatal
  | Unknown

Configuring log format

IHP ships with four available log formats.

You can also define your own formatter. Since a LogFormatter is just a type alias:

type LogFormatter = FormattedTime -> LogLevel -> Text -> Text

you can define a formatter as a simple function:

-- | For when debugging is getting you down
withTimeAndLevelFormatterUpcaseAndHappy :: LogFormatter
withTimeAndLevelFormatterUpcaseAndHappy time level msg =
    "[" <> toUpper (show level) <> "]"
    <> "[" <> time <> "] "
    <> toUpper msg <> " :) \n"

Which logs a message like:

[INFO] [28-Jan-2021 10:07:58] SERVER STARTED :)

Configuring log destination

By default, messages are logged to standard out. IHP includes all the destinations included in fast-logger wrapped in a custom API.

data LogDestination
    = None
    -- | Log messages to standard output.
    | Stdout BufSize
    -- | Log messages to standard error.
    | Stderr BufSize
    -- | Log message to a file. Rotate the log file with the behavior given by 'RotateSettings'.
    | File FilePath RotateSettings BufSize
    -- | Send logged messages to a callback. Flush action called after every log.
    | Callback (LogStr -> IO ()) (IO ())
Logging to a file

When logging to a file, it is common to rotate the file logged to in order to prevent the log file from getting too big. IHP allows for this in three ways, through the RotateSettings record.

newLogger def {
    destination = File "Log/production.log" NoRotate defaultBufSize
newLogger def {
    destination = File "Log/production.log" (SizeRotate (Bytes (4 * 1024 * 1024)) 7) defaultBufSize
    filePath = "Log/production.log"
    formatString = "%FT%H%M%S"
    timeCompare = (==) on C8.takeWhile (/=T))
    compressFile fp = void . forkIO $
        callProcess "tar" [ "--remove-files", "-caf", fp <> ".gz", fp ]
  newLogger def {
     destination = File
       (TimedRotate formatString timeCompare compressFile)

Configuring timestamp format

timeFormat expects a time format string as defined here.


newLogger def {
    timeFormat = "%A, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

Would log a timestamp as:

Sunday, 2020-1-31 22:10:21

Decorating the Logs with the User ID

You can override the default logger and have it decorated with additional information. A typical use case is adding the current user’s ID or name to the log messages.

-- Web/FrontController.hs

-- Add imports
import IHP.Log.Types as Log
import IHP.Controller.Context

instance InitControllerContext WebApplication where
    initContext = do
        initAuthentication @User
        -- ... your other initContext code

        putContext userIdLogger

userIdLogger :: (?context :: ControllerContext) => Logger
userIdLogger =
    defaultLogger { Log.formatter = userIdFormatter defaultLogger.formatter }
        defaultLogger = ?context.frameworkConfig.logger

userIdFormatter :: (?context :: ControllerContext) => Log.LogFormatter -> Log.LogFormatter
userIdFormatter existingFormatter time level string =
    existingFormatter time level (prependUserId string)

prependUserId :: (?context :: ControllerContext) => LogStr -> LogStr
prependUserId string =
    toLogStr $ userInfo <> show string
        userInfo =
            case currentUserOrNothing of
                Just currentUser -> "Authenticated user ID: " <> show currentUser.id <> " "
                Nothing -> "Anonymous user: "

From your controller you can now add a log message

    action PostsAction = do
        Log.debug ("This log message should have user info" :: Text)
        -- Rest of the action code.

In your log output, you will see the user info prepended to the log message.

[30-Mar-2024 18:28:29] Authenticated user ID: 5f32a9e3-da09-48d8-9712-34c935a72c7a "This log message should have user info"