

Next to normal email login, IHP also provides support for OAuth-login with third-party identity providers. Login via OAuth requires IHP Pro.

At the moment IHP supports these identity providers:

Login with Google


To use the Login with Google functionality you first need to enable the ihp-oauth-google package.

Open your project’s flake.nix and a ihp-oauth-google dependency to haskellDeps:

    ihp = ..
    haskellEnv = import "${ihp}/NixSupport/default.nix" {
        ihp = ihp;
        haskellDeps = p: with p; [
            # ...

            ihp-oauth-google # <----- ADD THIS LINE
        otherDeps = p: with p; [
        projectPath = ./.;

After that stop your local development server and run the following command to install the package:

devenv up

Schema Changes

For Google OAuth Login to work, we need to add a google_user_id TEXT column to our users table. The column needs to be nullable and have NULL as the default value.

Open Application/Schema.sql and add google_user_id TEXT to the CREATE TABLE users statement:

    id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    -- ... ,
    google_user_id TEXT

Creating the Controller

Next we need to add the GoogleOAuth controller. For that create a new file Web/Controller/GoogleOAuth.hs with the following content:

module Web.Controller.GoogleOAuth where

import Web.Controller.Prelude
import Web.Controller.Sessions ()
import IHP.OAuth.Google.Controller
import qualified IHP.OAuth.Google.Types as Google

instance Controller Google.GoogleOAuthController where
    action Google.NewSessionWithGoogleAction = newSessionWithGoogleAction @User
    action Google.GoogleConnectCallbackAction = googleConnectCallbackAction @User

instance GoogleOAuthControllerConfig User where
    beforeCreateUser user googleClaims =  user |> set #isConfirmed True -- This will auto-confirm your user's email


We also need to enable routing for this controller. Open Web/Routes.hs and

  1. Import the type definition by adding this import to the top of the file:

    import IHP.OAuth.Google.Types
  2. Enable AutoRoute by adding this to end of the file:

    instance AutoRoute GoogleOAuthController


Next we need to enable this controller inside the FrontController, so that requests can be routed there.

Open Web/FrontController.hs and

  1. Add the following imports to the top of the file:

    import IHP.OAuth.Google.Types
    import Web.Controller.GoogleOAuth
  2. Add GoogleOAuthController to the list of controllers:

    instance FrontController WebApplication where
        controllers =
            [ startPage StartpageAction
            -- ...
            , parseRoute @GoogleOAuthController -- <----- ADD THIS

View Prelude

As the types for the controller are defined in IHP.OAuth.Google.Types instead of the usual Web.Types we need to make changes to our Web/View/Prelude.hs:

module Web.View.Prelude
( module IHP.ViewPrelude
-- ...
, module IHP.OAuth.Google.Types -- <---- ADD THIS
) where

import IHP.ViewPrelude
-- ...
import IHP.OAuth.Google.Types  -- <---- ADD THIS

This ensures that we can write pathTo NewSessionWithGoogleAction and similiar calls without always manually needing to add import statements.


Before the controller can be used, we need to configure the google client id. A client id looks like this: 1234567890-abc123def456.apps.googleusercontent.com.

You can create a google client id by logging into the Google API console and adding a new project. Additionally you need to enable and configure OAuth inside the API console. Follow this Guide by Google if you haven’t done this before.

Once you got your client id, you can continue here:

  1. Open Config/Config.hs

  2. Add this import:

    import IHP.OAuth.Google.Config
  3. Call initGoogleOAuth:

    config :: ConfigBuilder
    config = do
        option Development
        option (AppHostname "localhost")
        initGoogleOAuth -- <--- ADD THIS

The call to initGoogleOAuth will read the OAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID environment variable and pass it to the GoogleOAuthController. We also need to define this environment variable locally. For that open the start script in your project and add a OAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT statement like this:

# ...



You need to replace the MY_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID with your google client id. After making the changes to start, you need to restart your local dev server.

Trying it out

Now that Google OAuth is configured, we can already test it out.

Open http://localhost:8000/NewSessionWithGoogle and click on the Login with Google button. It should open a google login dialog and then continue logging into the app.

If google shows you an error message, check the JavaScript error console for details. A common error is that the localhost:8000 host is not on the host whiteliste of the Google Client ID.

Optional: Adding the Login with Google Button

Typically you don’t want to redirect your users to http://localhost:8000/NewSessionWithGoogle, instead you want to place a Login with Google button on your existing login page.

Open Web/Sessions/New.hs and apply these changes:

module Web.View.Sessions.New where
import Web.View.Prelude
import IHP.AuthSupport.View.Sessions.New

instance View (NewView User) where
    html NewView { .. } = [hsx|
        <div class="h-100" id="sessions-new">
            <div class="d-flex align-items-center">
                <div class="w-100">
                    <div style="max-width: 400px" class="mx-auto mb-5">
                        <h5>Please login</h5>
                        {renderForm user}

                        {loginWithGoogle} <!-- ADD THIS CALL HERE -->


-- ...

loginWithGoogle :: Html
loginWithGoogle = [hsx|
    <div id="g_id_onload"

    <div class="g_id_signin"
    <form method="POST" action={GoogleConnectCallbackAction} id="new-session-with-google-form">
        <input type="hidden" name="jwt" value=""/>
    <script src="/google-login.js?v2"></script>
    <script src="https://accounts.google.com/gsi/client"></script>
        googleClientId :: Text = "YOUR GOOGLE CLIENT ID"

The login process uses the Google Login JS SDK and requires a little bit of JavaScript to work. Create a file static/google-login.js with this content:

function onGoogleLogin(response) {
    var form = document.getElementById('new-session-with-google-form');
    form.querySelector('input[name="jwt"]').value = response.credential;

Now you should be able to log in with Google from your normal login page.

Login with GitHub


To use the Login with GitHub functionality you first need to enable the ihp-oauth-github package.

Open your project’s default.nix and a ihp-oauth-github dependency to haskellDeps:

    ihp = ..
    haskellEnv = import "${ihp}/NixSupport/default.nix" {
        ihp = ihp;
        haskellDeps = p: with p; [
            # ...

            ihp-oauth-github # <----- ADD THIS LINE
        otherDeps = p: with p; [
        projectPath = ./.;

After that stop your local development server and run the following command to install the package:

devenv up

Schema Changes

For GitHub OAuth Login to work, we need to add a github_user_id INT column to our users table. The column needs to be nullable and have NULL as the default value.

Open Application/Schema.sql and add github_iser_id INT to the CREATE TABLE users statement:

    id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
    -- ... ,
    github_user_id INT DEFAULT NULL UNIQUE,

Creating the Controller

Next we need to add the GithubOAuth controller. For that create a new file Web/Controller/GithubOAuth.hs with the following content:

module Web.Controller.GithubOAuth where

import Web.Controller.Prelude
import Web.Controller.Sessions ()
import IHP.OAuth.Github.Controller
import qualified IHP.OAuth.Github.Types as Github

instance Controller Github.GithubOAuthController where
    action Github.NewSessionWithGithubAction = newSessionWithGithubAction @User
    action Github.GithubConnectCallbackAction = githubConnectCallbackAction @User

instance GithubOAuthControllerConfig User where
    beforeCreateUser user githubUser = user |> set #isConfirmed True -- This will auto-confirm your user's email. Remove this line if you don't use email confirmation

    afterCreateUser user = do
        -- Called after a new user is created
        -- E.g. you could send a welcome email here:
        -- > sendMail WelcomeMail { .. }
        pure ()

    beforeLogin user githubUser = do
        -- Called before the user is logged in
        -- Here you can e.g. set the app's profile picture to the one provided by github:
        -- > user
        -- >     |> setJust #profilePicture githubUser.avatarUrl
        -- >     |> setJust #githubName githubUser.login
        -- >     |> pure
        pure user


We also need to enable routing for this controller. Open Web/Routes.hs and

  1. Import the type definition by adding this import to the top of the file:

    import IHP.OAuth.Github.Types
  2. Enable AutoRoute by adding this to end of the file:

    instance AutoRoute GithubOAuthController


Next we need to enable this controller inside the FrontController, so that requests can be routed there.

Open Web/FrontController.hs and

  1. Add the following imports to the top of the file:

    import IHP.OAuth.Github.Types
    import Web.Controller.GithubOAuth
  2. Add GithubOAuthController to the list of controllers:

    instance FrontController WebApplication where
        controllers =
            [ startPage StartpageAction
            -- ...
            , parseRoute @GithubOAuthController -- <----- ADD THIS

View Prelude

As the types for the controller are defined in IHP.OAuth.Github.Types instead of the usual Web.Types we need to make changes to our Web/View/Prelude.hs:

module Web.View.Prelude
( module IHP.ViewPrelude
-- ...
, module IHP.OAuth.Github.Types -- <---- ADD THIS
) where

import IHP.ViewPrelude
-- ...
import IHP.OAuth.Github.Types  -- <---- ADD THIS

This ensures that we can write pathTo NewSessionWithGithubAction and similiar calls without always manually needing to add import statements.


Before the controller can be used, we need to configure the github client id and client secret.

Follow this Guide by GitHub to create a GitHub app and get your client id and secret.. During the setup you need to provide a Callback URL. Set this to http://localhost:8000/GithubConnectCallback.

Once you got your client id and secret, you can continue here:

  1. Open Config/Config.hs

  2. Add this import:

    import IHP.OAuth.Github.Config
  3. Call initGithubOAuth:

    config :: ConfigBuilder
    config = do
        option Development
        option (AppHostname "localhost")
        initGithubOAuth -- <--- ADD THIS

The call to initGithubOAuth will read the OAUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and OAUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables, and pass it to the GithubOAuthController. We also need to define this environment variable locally. For that open the start script in your project and add two statements like this:

# ...



You need to replace MY_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and MY_GITHUB_SECRET with your values. After making the changes to start, you need to restart your local dev server.

Trying it out

Now Github Login is ready and we can try it out.

Open http://localhost:8000/NewSessionWithGithub and click on the Login with Github button. It will redirect to github and then continue logging into the app.

You can place a Login with Github button by linking to the NewSessionWithGithubAction:

<a href={NewSessionWithGithubAction} target="_self" class="btn btn-primary">
    Continue with GitHub

Use target="_self" for these links to avoid turbolinks interfering with the redirect to github.

Now your github integration is ready to use.