IHP 1.3 is out now!

Live Loading Code

montmorency BUSINESS

I'm finding the live loading in the browser sometimes dies while I'm editing the code. My setup is on MacOs Mojave/Firefox and I'm editing the haskell code directly using VI/nerdtree. The IHP development server is still running but I'm getting a log of: StatusServer: Cannot stop as not running and the page formatting in the browser isn't updating.Is there a simple way of restarting the Server without killing the development environment and running the start script again?

marc PRO

Can you try to start the server in debug mode:

DEBUG=1 ./start

This will print lot's of debugging output. It would be very useful if you can share a log of one case where this problem occured. This way we can maybe find the root cause.

montmorency BUSINESS

Looks like the statusServer is paused. Seems to happen after a compilation. I wonder if it has to do with .swp files.

ReceiveAppOutput {line = StandardOutput "\ESC[37m  Status: \ESC[0m\ESC[32m200 OK\ESC[0m 0.000067s"}
 ===> AppState {postgresState = Started, appGHCIState = Loaded, statusServerState = Paused, liveReloadNotificationServerState = Started, fileWatcherState = Started, toolServerState = Started}
Chandra Koduru

Live Loading is failing even on my box. I am on Nixos20.09. Just installed IHP. I ran "DEBUG=1 ./start" from a fish-shell. I am observing the following debug note:

GHCI: ClassyPrelude.uninterruptibleCancel app
GHCI: :r
 ===> AppState {postgresState = Started, appGHCIState = Loading, statusServerState = Paused, liveReloadNotificationServerState = Started, fileWatcherState = Started, toolServerState = Started}
ReceiveAppOutput {line = StandardOutput "(0.00 secs, 106,472 bytes)"}
 ===> AppState {postgresState = Started, appGHCIState = Loading, statusServerState = Paused, liveReloadNotificationServerState = Started, fileWatcherState = Started, toolServerState = Started}
ReceiveAppOutput {line = StandardOutput "[15 of 18] Compiling Web.View.Posts.New ( Web/View/Posts/New.hs, interpreted )"}
 ===> AppState {postgresState = Started, appGHCIState = Loading, statusServerState = Paused, liveReloadNotificationServerState = Started, fileWatcherState = Started, toolServerState = Started}
AppModulesLoaded {success = True}
StatusServer: Cannot stop as not running
GHCI: app <- ClassyPrelude.async main
 ===> AppState {postgresState = Started, appGHCIState = Loaded, statusServerState = Paused, liveReloadNotificationServerState = Started, fileWatcherState = Started, toolServerState = Started}
ReceiveAppOutput {line = StandardOutput "Collecting type info for 1 module(s) ... "}
 ===> AppState {postgresState = Started, appGHCIState = Loaded, statusServerState = Paused, liveReloadNotificationServerState = Started, fileWatcherState = Started, toolServerState = Started}
ReceiveAppOutput {line = StandardOutput "(0.01 secs, 107S,e5r1v2e rb ystteasr)t"}
 ===> AppState {postgresState = Started, appGHCIState = Loaded, statusServerState = Paused, liveReloadNotificationServerState = Started, fileWatcherState = Started, toolServerState = Started}
ReceiveAppOutput {line = StandardOutput "ed"}
 ===> AppState {postgresState = Started, appGHCIState = Loaded, statusServerState = Paused, liveReloadNotificationServerState = Started, fileWatcherState = Started, toolServerState = Started}

marc PRO

We found out that the issue has been caused by some custom flags in .ghc/ghci.conf. The workaround is to remove that file.

We also fixed the local dev server to automatically ignore that file via https://github.com/digitallyinduced/ihp/commit/8b6e1bfbaf13b31ace21c6d12316cb4173ae6344 Will be part of the next IHP release.