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Validation with monadic operations


When using withCustomErrorMessageIO, it adds the custom error message to whatever error happens to be there... That is, if I do:

   |> validateField #name nonEmpty
   |> withCustomErrorMessageIO "Name is already taken" validateIsUnique #name

when the field is empty, instead of printing the error "This field cannot be empty", it prints "Name already taken". And if I invert the order, I need to add a return, because validateField does not return a monad, as in:

   |> withCustomErrorMessageIO "Name is already taken" validateIsUnique #name
   >>= return . validateField #name nonEmpty

Is there some better solution to this problem?

marc PRO

There's no better solution than the return . approach currently. We have a couple of combinators like validateAll, but those only with pure non-IO validations.

Btw: In IHP we generally prefer pure over return as return can be confusing to people coming from other programming languages :)


Ok. It should be nice to have some combinator that abstracts this ... >>= pure . ... part... Something as:

infixl 8 |=>

(|=>) :: IO model -> (model -> model) -> IO model 
(|=>) iomodel validator = iomodel >>= (pure . validator)
marc PRO

Created a github issue for this https://github.com/digitallyinduced/ihp/issues/1383


You get my idea quicker than myself... :P To complete the thread, the final code will be something as:

   |> withCustomErrorMessageIO "Name is already taken" validateIsUnique #name
   |=> validateField #name nonEmpty
Daniel Sokil PRO

For future reference, now we have an |>> operator:

   |> withCustomErrorMessageIO "Name is already taken" validateIsUnique #name
   |>> validateField #name nonEmpty

Excelent. Thanks