Copyright | (c) digitally induced GmbH 2020 |
Safe Haskell | None |
- newSessionAction :: forall record action. (?theAction :: action, ?context :: ControllerContext, HasNewSessionUrl record, ?modelContext :: ModelContext, Typeable record, View (NewView record), Data action, Record record, HasPath action, SessionsControllerConfig record) => IO ()
- createSessionAction :: forall record action. (?theAction :: action, ?context :: ControllerContext, ?modelContext :: ModelContext, Data action, HasField "email" record Text, HasPath action, HasField "id" record (Id record), HasField "passwordHash" record Text, SessionsControllerConfig record, UpdateField "lockedAt" record record (Maybe UTCTime) (Maybe UTCTime), HasField "failedLoginAttempts" record Int, SetField "failedLoginAttempts" record Int, CanUpdate record, Show (PrimaryKey (GetTableName record)), record ~ GetModelByTableName (GetTableName record), Table record) => IO ()
- deleteSessionAction :: forall record action id. (?theAction :: action, ?context :: ControllerContext, ?modelContext :: ModelContext, Data action, HasPath action, Show id, HasField "id" record id, SessionsControllerConfig record) => IO ()
- class (Typeable record, Show record, KnownSymbol (GetModelName record), HasNewSessionUrl record, KnownSymbol (GetTableName record), FromRow record) => SessionsControllerConfig record where
- afterLoginRedirectPath :: Text
- afterLogoutRedirectPath :: (?theAction :: action, Data action, HasPath action) => Text
- maxFailedLoginAttempts :: record -> Int
- beforeLogin :: record -> IO ()
- beforeLogout :: record -> IO ()
- usersQueryBuilder :: QueryBuilder (GetTableName record)
newSessionAction :: forall record action. (?theAction :: action, ?context :: ControllerContext, HasNewSessionUrl record, ?modelContext :: ModelContext, Typeable record, View (NewView record), Data action, Record record, HasPath action, SessionsControllerConfig record) => IO () Source #
Displays the login form.
In case the user is already logged in, redirects to the home page (afterLoginRedirectPath
createSessionAction :: forall record action. (?theAction :: action, ?context :: ControllerContext, ?modelContext :: ModelContext, Data action, HasField "email" record Text, HasPath action, HasField "id" record (Id record), HasField "passwordHash" record Text, SessionsControllerConfig record, UpdateField "lockedAt" record record (Maybe UTCTime) (Maybe UTCTime), HasField "failedLoginAttempts" record Int, SetField "failedLoginAttempts" record Int, CanUpdate record, Show (PrimaryKey (GetTableName record)), record ~ GetModelByTableName (GetTableName record), Table record) => IO () Source #
Logs in a user when a valid email and password is given
After 10 failed attempts, the user is locked for an hours. See maxFailedLoginAttempts
to customize this.
After a successful login, the user is redirect to afterLoginRedirectPath
deleteSessionAction :: forall record action id. (?theAction :: action, ?context :: ControllerContext, ?modelContext :: ModelContext, Data action, HasPath action, Show id, HasField "id" record id, SessionsControllerConfig record) => IO () Source #
Logs out the user and redirects to afterLogoutRedirectPath
or login page by default
class (Typeable record, Show record, KnownSymbol (GetModelName record), HasNewSessionUrl record, KnownSymbol (GetTableName record), FromRow record) => SessionsControllerConfig record where Source #
Configuration for the session controller actions
Minimal complete definition
afterLoginRedirectPath :: Text Source #
Your home page, where the user is redirect after login, by default it's /
afterLogoutRedirectPath :: (?theAction :: action, Data action, HasPath action) => Text Source #
Where the user is redirected after logout, by default it's /NewSession
maxFailedLoginAttempts :: record -> Int Source #
After 10 failed login attempts the user will be locked for an hour
beforeLogin :: record -> IO () Source #
Callback that is executed just before the user is logged in
This is called only after checking that the password is correct. When a wrong password is given this callback is not executed.
Example: Disallow login until user is confirmed
beforeLogin user = do unless (user.isConfirmed) do setErrorMessage "Please click the confirmation link we sent to your email before you can use the App" redirectTo NewSessionAction
beforeLogout :: record -> IO () Source #
Callback that is executed just before the user is logged out
This is called only if user session exists
usersQueryBuilder :: QueryBuilder (GetTableName record) Source #
Return's the query @User
used by the controller. Customize this to e.g. exclude guest users from logging in.
Example: Exclude guest users from login
usersQueryBuilder = query @User |> filterWhere (#isGuest, False)