{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs, UndecidableInstances, AllowAmbiguousTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, IncoherentInstances  #-}
Module: IHP.View.Form
Description: 'IHP.View.Form.formFor' and all form controls
Copyright: (c) digitally induced GmbH, 2020
module IHP.View.Form where

import IHP.Prelude
import           IHP.ValidationSupport
import           IHP.HSX.ConvertibleStrings ()
import IHP.ViewErrorMessages ()
import           IHP.ViewSupport
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5                   as Html5
import IHP.HSX.ToHtml
import GHC.Types
import IHP.ModelSupport (getModelName, inputValue, isNew, Id', InputValue)
import IHP.HSX.QQ (hsx)
import IHP.View.Types
import IHP.View.Classes ()
import Network.Wai (pathInfo)
import IHP.Controller.Context

-- | Forms usually begin with a 'formFor' expression.
-- This is how a simple form can look like:
-- > renderForm :: Post -> Html
-- > renderForm post = formFor post [hsx|
-- >     {textField #title}
-- >     {textareaField #body}
-- >     {submitButton}
-- > |]
-- Calling this form from inside your HSX code will lead to the following HTML being generated:
-- > <form method="POST" action="/CreatePost" id="" class="new-form">
-- >     <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_title">
-- >         <label for="post_title">Title</label>
-- >         <input type="text" name="title" id="post_title" class="form-control" />
-- >     </div>
-- >
-- >     <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_body">
-- >         <label for="post_body">Body</label>
-- >         <textarea name="body" id="post_body" class="form-control"></textarea>
-- >     </div>
-- >
-- >     <button class="btn btn-primary">Create Post</button>
-- > </form>
-- You can see that the form is submitted via @POST@. The form action has also been set by default to @/CreatePost@.
-- All inputs have auto-generated class names and ids for styling. Also, all @name@ attributes are set as expected.
-- __Field Values:__
-- A form control is always filled with the value of the given field when rendering. For example, given a post
-- > let post = Post { ..., title = "Hello World" }
-- Rendering this, the input value will be set like:
-- >>> {textField #title}
-- <input ... value="Hello World" />
-- __Validation:__
-- When rendering a record that has failed validation, the validation error message will be rendered automatically.
-- Given a post like this:
-- > let post = Post { ..., title = "" }
-- >     |> validateField #title nonEmpty
-- Rendering @{textField #title}@, the input will have the css class @is-invalid@ and an element with the error message will be rendered below the input:
-- > <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_title">
-- >     <label for="post_title">Title</label>
-- >     <input
-- >         type="text"
-- >         name="title"
-- >         placeholder=""
-- >         id="post_title"
-- >         class="form-control is-invalid "
-- >     />
-- >     <div class="invalid-feedback">This field cannot be empty</div>
-- > </div>
formFor :: forall record. (
    ?context :: ControllerContext
    , ModelFormAction record
    , HasField "meta" record MetaBag
    ) => record -> ((?context :: ControllerContext, ?formContext :: FormContext record) => Html5.Html) -> Html5.Html
formFor :: forall record.
(?context::ControllerContext, ModelFormAction record,
 HasField "meta" record MetaBag) =>
-> ((?context::ControllerContext,
     ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
-> Html
formFor record
record (?context::ControllerContext, ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
formBody = forall record.
(?context::ControllerContext, ModelFormAction record,
 HasField "meta" record MetaBag) =>
-> (FormContext record -> FormContext record)
-> ((?context::ControllerContext,
     ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
-> Html
formForWithOptions @record record
record (\FormContext record
c -> FormContext record
c) Html
(?context::ControllerContext, ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
{-# INLINE formFor #-}

-- | Like 'formFor' but allows changing the underlying 'FormContext'
-- This is how you can render a form with a @id="post-form"@ id attribute and a custom @data-post-id@ attribute:
-- > renderForm :: Post -> Html
-- > renderForm post = formForWithOptions formOptions post [hsx|
-- >     {textField #title}
-- >     {textareaField #body}
-- >     {submitButton}
-- > |]
-- >
-- > formOptions :: FormContext Post -> FormContext Post
-- > formOptions formContext = formContext
-- >     |> set #formId "post-form"
-- >     |> set #customFormAttributes [("data-post-id", show formContext.model.id)]
formForWithOptions :: forall record. (
    ?context :: ControllerContext
    , ModelFormAction record
    , HasField "meta" record MetaBag
    ) => record -> (FormContext record -> FormContext record) -> ((?context :: ControllerContext, ?formContext :: FormContext record) => Html5.Html) -> Html5.Html
formForWithOptions :: forall record.
(?context::ControllerContext, ModelFormAction record,
 HasField "meta" record MetaBag) =>
-> (FormContext record -> FormContext record)
-> ((?context::ControllerContext,
     ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
-> Html
formForWithOptions record
record FormContext record -> FormContext record
applyOptions (?context::ControllerContext, ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
formBody = FormContext record
-> ((?context::ControllerContext,
     ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
-> Html
forall model.
(?context::ControllerContext) =>
FormContext model
-> ((?context::ControllerContext,
     ?formContext::FormContext model) =>
-> Html
buildForm (FormContext record -> FormContext record
applyOptions (record -> FormContext record
forall record.
(?context::ControllerContext, HasField "meta" record MetaBag) =>
record -> FormContext record
createFormContext record
record) { $sel:formAction:FormContext :: Text
formAction = record -> Text
forall record.
(ModelFormAction record, ?context::ControllerContext) =>
record -> Text
modelFormAction record
record }) Html
(?context::ControllerContext, ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
{-# INLINE formForWithOptions #-}

-- | Like 'formFor' but disables the IHP javascript helpers.
-- Use it like this:
-- > renderForm :: Post -> Html
-- > renderForm post = formForWithoutJavascript post [hsx|
-- >     {textField #title}
-- >     {textareaField #body}
-- >     {submitButton}
-- > |]
-- If you want to use this with e.g. a custom form action, remember that 'formForWithoutJavascript' is just a shortcut for 'formForWithOptions':
-- > renderForm :: Post -> Html
-- > renderForm post = formForWithOptions formOptions post [hsx|
-- >     {textField #title}
-- >     {textareaField #body}
-- >     {submitButton}
-- > |]
-- >
-- > formOptions :: FormContext Post -> FormContext Post
-- > formOptions formContext = formContext
-- >     |> set #formAction (pathTo BespokeNewPostAction)
-- >     |> set #disableJavascriptSubmission True
formForWithoutJavascript :: forall record. (
    ?context :: ControllerContext
    , ModelFormAction record
    , HasField "meta" record MetaBag
    ) => record -> ((?context :: ControllerContext, ?formContext :: FormContext record) => Html5.Html) -> Html5.Html
formForWithoutJavascript :: forall record.
(?context::ControllerContext, ModelFormAction record,
 HasField "meta" record MetaBag) =>
-> ((?context::ControllerContext,
     ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
-> Html
formForWithoutJavascript record
record (?context::ControllerContext, ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
formBody = forall record.
(?context::ControllerContext, ModelFormAction record,
 HasField "meta" record MetaBag) =>
-> (FormContext record -> FormContext record)
-> ((?context::ControllerContext,
     ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
-> Html
formForWithOptions @record record
record (\FormContext record
formContext -> FormContext record
formContext { $sel:disableJavascriptSubmission:FormContext :: Bool
disableJavascriptSubmission = Bool
True }) Html
(?context::ControllerContext, ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
{-# INLINE formForWithoutJavascript #-}

-- | Allows a custom form action (form submission url) to be set
-- The URL where the form is going to be submitted to is specified in HTML using the form's @action@ attribute. When using 'formFor' the @action@ attribute is automatically set to the expected path.
-- E.g. given the below 'formFor' code, the @action@ is set to @/CreatePost@ or @/UpdatePost@:
-- > renderForm :: Post -> Html
-- > renderForm post = formFor post [hsx|
-- >     {textField #title}
-- >     {textareaField #body}
-- >     {submitButton}
-- > |]
-- To override the auto-generated @action@ attribute use the 'formFor\'' function:
-- > renderForm :: Post -> Html
-- > renderForm post = formFor' post "/my-custom-endpoint" [hsx||]
-- If you pass an action to that, you need to wrap it with 'pathTo':
-- > renderForm :: Post -> Html
-- > renderForm post = formFor' post (pathTo CreateDraftAction) [hsx||]
formFor' :: forall record. (
    ?context :: ControllerContext
    , HasField "meta" record MetaBag
    ) => record -> Text -> ((?context :: ControllerContext, ?formContext :: FormContext record) => Html5.Html) -> Html5.Html
formFor' :: forall record.
(?context::ControllerContext, HasField "meta" record MetaBag) =>
-> Text
-> ((?context::ControllerContext,
     ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
-> Html
formFor' record
record Text
action = FormContext record
-> ((?context::ControllerContext,
     ?formContext::FormContext record) =>
-> Html
forall model.
(?context::ControllerContext) =>
FormContext model
-> ((?context::ControllerContext,
     ?formContext::FormContext model) =>
-> Html
buildForm (record -> FormContext record
forall record.
(?context::ControllerContext, HasField "meta" record MetaBag) =>
record -> FormContext record
createFormContext record
record) { $sel:formAction:FormContext :: Text
formAction = Text
action }
{-# INLINE formFor' #-}

-- | Used by 'formFor' to make a new form context
createFormContext :: forall record. (
        ?context :: ControllerContext
        , HasField "meta" record MetaBag
        ) => record -> FormContext record
createFormContext :: forall record.
(?context::ControllerContext, HasField "meta" record MetaBag) =>
record -> FormContext record
createFormContext record
record =
        { $sel:model:FormContext :: record
model = record
        , $sel:formAction:FormContext :: Text
formAction = Text
        , $sel:formMethod:FormContext :: Text
formMethod = Text
        , $sel:cssFramework:FormContext :: CSSFramework
cssFramework = CSSFramework
(?context::ControllerContext) => CSSFramework
        , $sel:formId:FormContext :: Text
formId = Text
        , $sel:formClass:FormContext :: Text
formClass = if record -> Bool
forall model. HasField "meta" model MetaBag => model -> Bool
isNew record
record then Text
"new-form" else Text
        , $sel:customFormAttributes:FormContext :: [(Text, Text)]
customFormAttributes = []
        , $sel:disableJavascriptSubmission:FormContext :: Bool
disableJavascriptSubmission = Bool
        , $sel:fieldNamePrefix:FormContext :: Text
fieldNamePrefix = Text
{-# INLINE createFormContext #-}

-- | Used by 'formFor' to render the form
buildForm :: forall model. (?context :: ControllerContext) => FormContext model -> ((?context :: ControllerContext, ?formContext :: FormContext model) => Html5.Html) -> Html5.Html
buildForm :: forall model.
(?context::ControllerContext) =>
FormContext model
-> ((?context::ControllerContext,
     ?formContext::FormContext model) =>
-> Html
buildForm FormContext model
formContext (?context::ControllerContext, ?formContext::FormContext model) =>
inner = [hsx|
            formInner :: Html
formInner = let ?formContext = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
formContext in Html
(?context::ControllerContext, ?formContext::FormContext model) =>
{-# INLINE buildForm #-}

nestedFormFor :: forall fieldName childRecord parentRecord idType. (
    ?context :: ControllerContext
    , ?formContext :: FormContext parentRecord
    , HasField fieldName parentRecord [childRecord]
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName childRecord)
    , HasField "id" childRecord idType
    , InputValue idType
    , HasField "meta" childRecord MetaBag
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> ((?context :: ControllerContext, ?formContext :: FormContext childRecord) => Html5.Html) -> Html5.Html
nestedFormFor :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) childRecord parentRecord idType.
 ?formContext::FormContext parentRecord,
 HasField fieldName parentRecord [childRecord],
 KnownSymbol fieldName, KnownSymbol (GetModelName childRecord),
 HasField "id" childRecord idType, InputValue idType,
 HasField "meta" childRecord MetaBag) =>
Proxy fieldName
-> ((?context::ControllerContext,
     ?formContext::FormContext childRecord) =>
-> Html
nestedFormFor Proxy fieldName
field (?context::ControllerContext,
 ?formContext::FormContext childRecord) =>
nestedRenderForm = [childRecord] -> (Element [childRecord] -> Html) -> Html
forall mono (m :: * -> *).
(MonoFoldable mono, Applicative m) =>
mono -> (Element mono -> m ()) -> m ()
forEach [childRecord]
children childRecord -> Html
Element [childRecord] -> Html
        parentFormContext :: FormContext parentRecord
        parentFormContext :: FormContext parentRecord
parentFormContext = ?formContext::FormContext parentRecord
FormContext parentRecord

        renderChild :: childRecord -> Html5.Html
        renderChild :: childRecord -> Html
renderChild childRecord
record = let ?formContext = childRecord -> FormContext childRecord
buildNestedFormContext childRecord
record in [hsx|
            {hiddenField #id}

        buildNestedFormContext :: childRecord -> FormContext childRecord
        buildNestedFormContext :: childRecord -> FormContext childRecord
buildNestedFormContext childRecord
record = FormContext parentRecord
parentFormContext { $sel:model:FormContext :: childRecord
model = childRecord
record, $sel:fieldNamePrefix:FormContext :: Text
fieldNamePrefix = forall (symbol :: Symbol). KnownSymbol symbol => Text
symbolToText @fieldName Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
"_" }

        children :: [childRecord]
        children :: [childRecord]
children = forall {k} (x :: k) r a. HasField x r a => r -> a
forall (x :: Symbol) r a. HasField x r a => r -> a
getField @fieldName ?formContext::FormContext parentRecord
FormContext parentRecord
{-# INLINE nestedFormFor #-}

-- | Renders a submit button
-- > <button class="btn btn-primary">Create Post</button>
-- __Example:__
-- > renderForm :: Post -> Html
-- > renderForm post = formFor post [hsx|
-- >     {submitButton}
-- > |]
-- This will generate code like this:
-- > <form method="POST" action="/CreatePost" id="" class="new-form">
-- >     <button class="btn btn-primary">Create Post</button>
-- > </form>
-- __Custom Text__
-- > renderForm :: Post -> Html
-- > renderForm post = formFor post [hsx|
-- >     {submitButton { label = "Create it!" } }
-- > |]
-- This will generate code like this:
-- > <form method="POST" action="/CreatePost" id="" class="new-form">
-- >     <button class="btn btn-primary">Create it!</button>
-- > </form>
-- __Custom Class__
-- > renderForm :: Post -> Html
-- > renderForm post = formFor post [hsx|
-- >     {submitButton { buttonClass = "create-button" } }
-- > |]
-- This will generate code like this:
-- > <form method="POST" action="/CreatePost" id="" class="new-form">
-- >     <button class="btn btn-primary create-button">Create Post</button>
-- > </form>
submitButton :: forall model. (?formContext :: FormContext model, HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) => SubmitButton
submitButton :: forall model.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField "meta" model MetaBag,
 KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
submitButton =
        modelName :: Text
modelName = forall model. KnownSymbol (GetModelName model) => Text
IHP.ModelSupport.getModelName @model
        buttonText :: Text
buttonText = Text
modelName Text -> (Text -> Text) -> Text
forall {t1} {t2}. t1 -> (t1 -> t2) -> t2
|> Text -> Text
humanize -- We do this to turn 'Create ProjectTask' into 'Create Project Task'
        isNew :: Bool
isNew = model -> Bool
forall model. HasField "meta" model MetaBag => model -> Bool
IHP.ModelSupport.isNew (FormContext model -> model
forall model. FormContext model -> model
model ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
    in SubmitButton
    { $sel:label:SubmitButton :: Html
label = Text -> Html
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs (Text -> Html) -> Text -> Html
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (if Bool
isNew then Text
"Create " else Text
"Save ") Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
    , $sel:buttonClass:SubmitButton :: Text
buttonClass = Text
forall a. Monoid a => a
    , $sel:cssFramework:SubmitButton :: CSSFramework
cssFramework = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
{-# INLINE submitButton #-}

-- | Renders a text input field
-- >>> {textField #title}
-- <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_title">
--     <label for="post_title">Title</label>
--     <input type="text" name="title" id="post_title" class="form-control" />
-- </div>
-- __Example:__
-- > renderForm :: Post -> Html
-- > renderForm post = formFor post [hsx|
-- >     {textField #title}
-- > |]
-- This will generate code like this:
-- > <form method="POST" action="/CreatePost" id="" class="new-form">
-- >     <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_title">
-- >         <label for="post_title">Title</label>
-- >         <input type="text" name="title" id="post_title" class="form-control" />
-- >     </div>
-- > </form>
-- __Help Texts:__
-- You can add a help text below a form control like this:
-- > {(textField #title) { helpText = "Max. 140 characters"} }
-- This will generate code like this:
-- > <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_title">
-- >     <label for="post_title">Title</label>
-- >
-- >     <input type="text" name="title" id="post_title" class="form-control" />
-- >     <small class="form-text text-muted">Max. 140 characters</small>
-- > </div>
-- __Custom Field Label Text:__
-- By default, the field name will be used as a label text. The camel case field name will be made more human-readable of course, so @contactName@ will turn to @Contact Name@, etc. Sometimes you want to change this auto-generated input label to something custom. Use @fieldLabel@ for that, like this:
-- > {(textField #title) { fieldLabel = "Post Title"} }
-- This will generate code like this:
-- > <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_title">
-- >     <label for="post_title">Post Title</label>
-- >     <input type="text" name="title" id="post_title" class="form-control" />
-- > </div>
-- __Custom CSS Classes:__
-- You can add custom CSS classes to the input and label for better styling. Set @fieldClass@ for adding a class to the input element and @labelClass@ for the label element:
-- > {(textField #title) { fieldClass="title-input", labelClass = "title-label" } }
-- This will generate code like this:
-- > <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_title">
-- >     <label class="title-label" for="post_title">Title</label>
-- >     <input
-- >         type="text"
-- >         name="title"
-- >         id="post_title"
-- >         class="form-control title-input"
-- >     />
-- > </div>
-- Of course, the CSS classes for validation are still set as expected.
-- __Placeholder:__
-- > {(textField #title) { placeholder = "Enter your title ..." } }
-- This will generate code like this:
-- > <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_title">
-- >     <label for="post_title">Title</label>
-- >
-- >     <input
-- >         type="text"
-- >         name="title"
-- >         id="post_title"
-- >         placeholder="Enter your title ..."
-- >         class="form-control"
-- >     />
-- > </div>
-- __Required Fields:__
-- You can mark an input as required like this:
-- > {(textField #title) { required = True } }
-- This will generate code like this:
-- > <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_title">
-- >     <label for="post_title">Title</label>
-- >
-- >     <input
-- >         type="text"
-- >         name="title"
-- >         id="post_title"
-- >         required="required"
-- >         class="form-control"
-- >     />
-- > </div>
-- __Autofocus:__
-- You can mark an input with autofocus, to ensure it will be given the input focus on page load, like this:
-- > {(textField #title) { autofocus = True } }
-- This will generate code like this:
-- > <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_title">
-- >     <label for="post_title">Title</label>
-- >
-- >     <input
-- >         type="text"
-- >         name="title"
-- >         id="post_title"
-- >         autofocus="autofocus"
-- >         class="form-control"
-- >     />
-- > </div>
textField :: forall fieldName model value.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model value
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , InputValue value
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textField Proxy fieldName
field = FormField
        { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType = InputType
        , $sel:fieldName:FormField :: Text
fieldName = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
?formContext.fieldNamePrefix Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs String
        , $sel:fieldLabel:FormField :: Text
fieldLabel = Text -> Text
fieldNameToFieldLabel (String -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs String
        , $sel:fieldValue:FormField :: Text
fieldValue =  value -> Text
forall a. InputValue a => a -> Text
inputValue ((forall {k} (x :: k) r a. HasField x r a => r -> a
forall (x :: Symbol) r a. HasField x r a => r -> a
getField @fieldName model
model) :: value)
        , $sel:fieldInputId:FormField :: Text
fieldInputId = Text -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs (Text -> Text
lcfirst (forall model. KnownSymbol (GetModelName model) => Text
getModelName @model) Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
"_" Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs String
        , $sel:validatorResult:FormField :: Maybe Violation
validatorResult = Proxy fieldName -> model -> Maybe Violation
forall (field :: Symbol) model.
(KnownSymbol field, HasField "meta" model MetaBag) =>
Proxy field -> model -> Maybe Violation
getValidationViolation Proxy fieldName
field model
        , $sel:fieldClass:FormField :: Text
fieldClass = Text
        , $sel:labelClass:FormField :: Text
labelClass = Text
        , $sel:disabled:FormField :: Bool
disabled = Bool
        , $sel:disableLabel:FormField :: Bool
disableLabel = Bool
        , $sel:disableGroup:FormField :: Bool
disableGroup = Bool
        , $sel:disableValidationResult:FormField :: Bool
disableValidationResult = Bool
        , $sel:additionalAttributes:FormField :: [(Text, Text)]
additionalAttributes = []
        , $sel:cssFramework:FormField :: CSSFramework
cssFramework = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
        , $sel:helpText:FormField :: Text
helpText = Text
        , $sel:placeholder:FormField :: Text
placeholder = Text
        , $sel:required:FormField :: Bool
required = Bool
        , $sel:autofocus:FormField :: Bool
autofocus = Bool
        fieldName :: String
fieldName = Proxy fieldName -> String
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> String
symbolVal Proxy fieldName
        FormContext { model
$sel:model:FormContext :: forall model. FormContext model -> model
model :: model
model } = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
{-# INLINE textField #-}

-- | Renders a number input field
-- >>> {numberField #maxUsers}
-- <div class="form-group" id="form-group-company_max_users">
--     <label for="company_max_users">Max Users</label>
--     <input type="number" name="maxUsers" id="company_maxUsers" class="form-control" />
-- </div>
-- See 'textField' for examples of possible form control options.
numberField :: forall fieldName model value.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model value
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , InputValue value
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> FormField
numberField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
numberField Proxy fieldName
field = (Proxy fieldName -> FormField
forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textField Proxy fieldName
field) { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType = InputType
NumberInput }
{-# INLINE numberField #-}

-- | Renders a textarea
-- >>> {textareaField #body}
-- <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_body">
--     <label for="post_body">Body</label>
--     <textarea name="body" id="post_body" class="form-control" />
-- </div>
-- See 'textField' for examples of possible form control options.
textareaField :: forall fieldName model value.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model value
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , InputValue value
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textareaField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textareaField Proxy fieldName
field = (Proxy fieldName -> FormField
forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textField Proxy fieldName
field) { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType = InputType
TextareaInput }
{-# INLINE textareaField #-}

-- | Renders a color field
-- >>> {colorField #color}
-- <div class="form-group" id="form-group-post_color">
--     <label for="post_color">Color</label>
--     <input type="color" name="color" id="post_color" class="form-control" />
-- </div>
-- See 'textField' for examples of possible form control options.
colorField :: forall fieldName model value.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model value
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , InputValue value
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> FormField
colorField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
colorField Proxy fieldName
field = (Proxy fieldName -> FormField
forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textField Proxy fieldName
field) { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType = InputType
ColorInput }
{-# INLINE colorField #-}

-- | Renders an email field
-- >>> {emailField #email}
-- <div class="form-group" id="form-group-user_email">
--     <label for="user_email">Email</label>
--     <input type="email" name="email" id="user_email" class="form-control" />
-- </div>
-- See 'textField' for examples of possible form control options.
emailField :: forall fieldName model value.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model value
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    , InputValue value
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> FormField
emailField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 KnownSymbol (GetModelName model), InputValue value) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
emailField Proxy fieldName
field = (Proxy fieldName -> FormField
forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textField Proxy fieldName
field) { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType = InputType
EmailInput }
{-# INLINE emailField #-}

-- | Renders an date field
-- >>> {dateField #createdAt}
-- <div class="form-group" id="form-group-user_created_at">
--     <label for="user_createdAt">Created At</label>
--     <input type="date" name="createdAt" id="user_createdAt" class="form-control" />
-- </div>
-- See 'textField' for examples of possible form control options.
dateField :: forall fieldName model value.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model value
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , InputValue value
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> FormField
dateField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
dateField Proxy fieldName
field = (Proxy fieldName -> FormField
forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textField Proxy fieldName
field) { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType = InputType
DateInput }
{-# INLINE dateField #-}

-- | Renders an password field
-- >>> {passwordField #password}
-- <div class="form-group" id="form-group-user_password">
--     <label for="user_password">Password</label>
--     <input type="password" name="password" id="user_password" class="form-control" />
-- </div>
-- See 'textField' for examples of possible form control options.
passwordField :: forall fieldName model.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model Text
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> FormField
passwordField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model Text,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
passwordField Proxy fieldName
field = (Proxy fieldName -> FormField
forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textField Proxy fieldName
field) { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType = InputType
PasswordInput }
{-# INLINE passwordField #-}

-- | Renders an date-time field
-- >>> {dateTimeField #createdAt}
-- <div class="form-group" id="form-group-user_created_at">
--     <label for="user_createdAt">Created At</label>
--     <input type="datetime-local" name="createdAt" id="user_createdAt" class="form-control" />
-- </div>
-- See 'textField' for examples of possible form control options.
dateTimeField :: forall fieldName model value.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model value
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , InputValue value
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> FormField
dateTimeField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
dateTimeField Proxy fieldName
alpha = (Proxy fieldName -> FormField
forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textField Proxy fieldName
alpha) { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType = InputType
DateTimeInput }
{-# INLINE dateTimeField #-}

-- | Renders an hidden field
-- >>> {hiddenField #projectId}
-- <input type="hidden" name="projectId" id="checkoutSession_projectId" class="form-control" />
-- The hidden field is by default rendered without a form group and without a label.
hiddenField :: forall fieldName model value.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model value
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , InputValue value
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> FormField
hiddenField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
hiddenField Proxy fieldName
field = (Proxy fieldName -> FormField
forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textField Proxy fieldName
field) { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType = InputType
HiddenInput, $sel:disableLabel:FormField :: Bool
disableLabel = Bool
True, $sel:disableGroup:FormField :: Bool
disableGroup = Bool
True, $sel:disableValidationResult:FormField :: Bool
disableValidationResult = Bool
True }
{-# INLINE hiddenField #-}

-- | Renders an file field
-- >>> {fileField #profilePicture}
-- <input type="file" name="profilePicture" id="user_profilePicture" class="form-control" />
-- See 'textField' for examples of possible form control options.
fileField :: forall fieldName model value.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model value
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , InputValue value
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> FormField
fileField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
fileField Proxy fieldName
field = (Proxy fieldName -> FormField
forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textField Proxy fieldName
field) { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType = InputType
FileInput }
{-# INLINE fileField #-}

-- | Renders a checkbox field
-- >>> {checkboxField #active}
-- <div class="form-group" id="form-group-user_active">
--     <label for="user_active">Active</label>
--     <input type="checkbox" name="active" id="user_active" class="form-control" />
-- </div>
-- See 'textField' for examples of possible form control options.
checkboxField :: forall fieldName model.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model Bool
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> FormField
checkboxField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model Bool,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
checkboxField Proxy fieldName
field = FormField
        { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType = InputType
        , $sel:fieldName:FormField :: Text
fieldName = String -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs String
        , $sel:fieldLabel:FormField :: Text
fieldLabel = Text -> Text
fieldNameToFieldLabel (String -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs String
        , $sel:fieldValue:FormField :: Text
fieldValue =  if forall {k} (x :: k) r a. HasField x r a => r -> a
forall (x :: Symbol) r a. HasField x r a => r -> a
getField @fieldName model
model then Text
"yes" else Text
        , $sel:fieldInputId:FormField :: Text
fieldInputId = Text -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs (Text -> Text
lcfirst (forall model. KnownSymbol (GetModelName model) => Text
getModelName @model) Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
"_" Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs String
        , $sel:validatorResult:FormField :: Maybe Violation
validatorResult = Proxy fieldName -> model -> Maybe Violation
forall (field :: Symbol) model.
(KnownSymbol field, HasField "meta" model MetaBag) =>
Proxy field -> model -> Maybe Violation
getValidationViolation Proxy fieldName
field model
        , $sel:fieldClass:FormField :: Text
fieldClass = Text
        , $sel:labelClass:FormField :: Text
labelClass = Text
        , $sel:disabled:FormField :: Bool
disabled = Bool
        , $sel:disableLabel:FormField :: Bool
disableLabel = Bool
        , $sel:disableGroup:FormField :: Bool
disableGroup = Bool
        , $sel:disableValidationResult:FormField :: Bool
disableValidationResult = Bool
        , $sel:additionalAttributes:FormField :: [(Text, Text)]
additionalAttributes = []
        , $sel:cssFramework:FormField :: CSSFramework
cssFramework = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
        , $sel:helpText:FormField :: Text
helpText = Text
        , $sel:placeholder:FormField :: Text
placeholder = Text
        , $sel:required:FormField :: Bool
required = Bool
        , $sel:autofocus:FormField :: Bool
autofocus = Bool
        fieldName :: String
fieldName = Proxy fieldName -> String
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> String
symbolVal Proxy fieldName
        FormContext { model
$sel:model:FormContext :: forall model. FormContext model -> model
model :: model
model } = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
{-# INLINE checkboxField #-}

-- | Select inputs require you to pass a list of possible values to select.
-- > formFor project [hsx|
-- >     {selectField #userId users}
-- > |]
-- In the example above the variable users contains all the possible option values for the select.
-- You also need to define a instance @CanSelect User@:
-- > instance CanSelect User where
-- >     -- Here we specify that the <option> value should contain a `Id User`
-- >     type SelectValue User = Id User
-- >     -- Here we specify how to transform the model into <option>-value
-- >     selectValue user = user.id
-- >     -- And here we specify the <option>-text
-- >     selectLabel user = user.name
-- Given the above example, the rendered form will look like this:
-- > <!-- Assuming: users = [User { id = 1, name = "Marc" }, User { id = 2, name = "Andreas" }] -->
-- > <form ...>
-- >     <select name="user_id">
-- >         <option value="1">Marc</option>
-- >         <option value="2">Andreas</option>
-- >     </select>
-- > </form>
-- If you want a certain value to be preselected, set the value in the controller. For example, to have the first user be preselected in the above example:
-- > action NewProjectAction = do
-- >     users <- query @User |> fetch
-- >     let userId = headMay users |> maybe def (.id)
-- >     let target = newRecord @Project |> set #userId userId
-- >     render NewView { .. }
selectField :: forall fieldName model item.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model (SelectValue item)
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    , CanSelect item
    , InputValue (SelectValue item)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> [item] -> FormField
selectField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model item.
(?formContext::FormContext model,
 HasField fieldName model (SelectValue item),
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 KnownSymbol (GetModelName model), CanSelect item,
 InputValue (SelectValue item)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> [item] -> FormField
selectField Proxy fieldName
field [item]
items = FormField
        { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType =
                itemToTuple :: item -> (Text, Text)
                itemToTuple :: item -> (Text, Text)
itemToTuple item
item = (item -> Text
forall model. CanSelect model => model -> Text
selectLabel item
item, SelectValue item -> Text
forall a. InputValue a => a -> Text
inputValue (item -> SelectValue item
forall model. CanSelect model => model -> SelectValue model
selectValue item
                 [(Text, Text)] -> InputType
SelectInput ((item -> (Text, Text)) -> [item] -> [(Text, Text)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map item -> (Text, Text)
itemToTuple [item]
        , $sel:fieldName:FormField :: Text
fieldName = String -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs String
        , $sel:fieldLabel:FormField :: Text
fieldLabel = Text -> Text
removeIdSuffix (Text -> Text) -> Text -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text -> Text
fieldNameToFieldLabel (String -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs String
        , $sel:fieldValue:FormField :: Text
fieldValue = SelectValue item -> Text
forall a. InputValue a => a -> Text
inputValue ((forall {k} (x :: k) r a. HasField x r a => r -> a
forall (x :: Symbol) r a. HasField x r a => r -> a
getField @fieldName model
model :: SelectValue item))
        , $sel:fieldInputId:FormField :: Text
fieldInputId = Text -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs (Text -> Text
lcfirst (forall model. KnownSymbol (GetModelName model) => Text
getModelName @model) Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
"_" Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs String
        , $sel:validatorResult:FormField :: Maybe Violation
validatorResult = Proxy fieldName -> model -> Maybe Violation
forall (field :: Symbol) model.
(KnownSymbol field, HasField "meta" model MetaBag) =>
Proxy field -> model -> Maybe Violation
getValidationViolation Proxy fieldName
field model
        , $sel:fieldClass:FormField :: Text
fieldClass = Text
        , $sel:labelClass:FormField :: Text
labelClass = Text
        , $sel:disabled:FormField :: Bool
disabled = Bool
        , $sel:disableLabel:FormField :: Bool
disableLabel = Bool
        , $sel:disableGroup:FormField :: Bool
disableGroup = Bool
        , $sel:disableValidationResult:FormField :: Bool
disableValidationResult = Bool
        , $sel:additionalAttributes:FormField :: [(Text, Text)]
additionalAttributes = []
        , $sel:cssFramework:FormField :: CSSFramework
cssFramework = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
        , $sel:helpText:FormField :: Text
helpText = Text
        , $sel:placeholder:FormField :: Text
placeholder = Text
"Please select"
        , $sel:required:FormField :: Bool
required = Bool
        , $sel:autofocus:FormField :: Bool
autofocus = Bool
        fieldName :: String
fieldName = Proxy fieldName -> String
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> String
symbolVal Proxy fieldName
        FormContext { model
$sel:model:FormContext :: forall model. FormContext model -> model
model :: model
model } = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
{-# INLINE selectField #-}

-- | Radio require you to pass a list of possible values to select. We use the same mechanism as for for 'selectField'.
-- > formFor project [hsx|
-- >     {radioField #userId users}
-- > |]
-- In the example above the variable users contains all the possible option values for the radios.
-- You also need to define a instance @CanSelect User@:
-- > instance CanSelect User where
-- >     -- Here we specify that the <option> value should contain a `Id User`
-- >     type SelectValue User = Id User
-- >     -- Here we specify how to transform the model into <option>-value
-- >     selectValue user = user.id
-- >     -- And here we specify the <option>-text
-- >     selectLabel user = user.name
-- Given the above example, the rendered form will look like this (omitting classes for brevity):
-- > <!-- Assuming: users = [User { id = 1, name = "Marc" }, User { id = 2, name = "Andreas" }] -->
-- > <form ...>
-- >     <fieldset>
-- >         <div>
-- >           <input type="radio" id="option1" value="1"/>
-- >           <label for="option1">Marc</label>
-- >         </div>
-- >         <div>
-- >           <input type="radio" id="option2" value="2"/>
-- >           <label for="option2">Andreas</label>
-- >         </div>
-- >     </fieldset>
-- > </form>
-- If you want a certain value to be preselected, set the value in the controller. For example, to have the first user be preselected in the above example:
-- > action NewProjectAction = do
-- >     users <- query @User |> fetch
-- >     let userId = headMay users |> maybe def (.id)
-- >     let target = newRecord @Project |> set #userId userId
-- >     render NewView { .. }
radioField :: forall fieldName model item.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model (SelectValue item)
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    , CanSelect item
    , InputValue (SelectValue item)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> [item] -> FormField
radioField :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model item.
(?formContext::FormContext model,
 HasField fieldName model (SelectValue item),
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 KnownSymbol (GetModelName model), CanSelect item,
 InputValue (SelectValue item)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> [item] -> FormField
radioField Proxy fieldName
field [item]
items = FormField
        { $sel:fieldType:FormField :: InputType
fieldType =
                itemToTuple :: item -> (Text, Text)
                itemToTuple :: item -> (Text, Text)
itemToTuple item
item = (item -> Text
forall model. CanSelect model => model -> Text
selectLabel item
item, SelectValue item -> Text
forall a. InputValue a => a -> Text
inputValue (item -> SelectValue item
forall model. CanSelect model => model -> SelectValue model
selectValue item
                 [(Text, Text)] -> InputType
RadioInput ((item -> (Text, Text)) -> [item] -> [(Text, Text)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map item -> (Text, Text)
itemToTuple [item]
        , $sel:fieldName:FormField :: Text
fieldName = String -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs String
        , $sel:fieldLabel:FormField :: Text
fieldLabel = Text -> Text
removeIdSuffix (Text -> Text) -> Text -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text -> Text
fieldNameToFieldLabel (String -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs String
        , $sel:fieldValue:FormField :: Text
fieldValue = SelectValue item -> Text
forall a. InputValue a => a -> Text
inputValue ((forall {k} (x :: k) r a. HasField x r a => r -> a
forall (x :: Symbol) r a. HasField x r a => r -> a
getField @fieldName model
model :: SelectValue item))
        , $sel:fieldInputId:FormField :: Text
fieldInputId = Text -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs (Text -> Text
lcfirst (forall model. KnownSymbol (GetModelName model) => Text
getModelName @model) Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
"_" Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Text
forall a b. ConvertibleStrings a b => a -> b
cs String
        , $sel:validatorResult:FormField :: Maybe Violation
validatorResult = Proxy fieldName -> model -> Maybe Violation
forall (field :: Symbol) model.
(KnownSymbol field, HasField "meta" model MetaBag) =>
Proxy field -> model -> Maybe Violation
getValidationViolation Proxy fieldName
field model
        , $sel:fieldClass:FormField :: Text
fieldClass = Text
        , $sel:labelClass:FormField :: Text
labelClass = Text
        , $sel:disabled:FormField :: Bool
disabled = Bool
        , $sel:disableLabel:FormField :: Bool
disableLabel = Bool
        , $sel:disableGroup:FormField :: Bool
disableGroup = Bool
        , $sel:disableValidationResult:FormField :: Bool
disableValidationResult = Bool
        , $sel:additionalAttributes:FormField :: [(Text, Text)]
additionalAttributes = []
        , $sel:cssFramework:FormField :: CSSFramework
cssFramework = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
        , $sel:helpText:FormField :: Text
helpText = Text
        , $sel:placeholder:FormField :: Text
placeholder = Text
        , $sel:required:FormField :: Bool
required = Bool
        , $sel:autofocus:FormField :: Bool
autofocus = Bool
        fieldName :: String
fieldName = Proxy fieldName -> String
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> String
symbolVal Proxy fieldName
        FormContext { model
$sel:model:FormContext :: forall model. FormContext model -> model
model :: model
model } = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
{-# INLINE radioField #-}

class CanSelect model where
    -- | Here we specify the type of the @<option>@ value, usually an @Id model@
    type SelectValue model :: GHC.Types.Type

    -- | Here we specify the <option>-text
    selectLabel :: model -> Text
    default selectLabel :: Show model => model -> Text
    selectLabel = model -> Text
forall a. Show a => a -> Text

    -- | Here we specify how to transform the model into @<option>@-value
    selectValue :: model -> SelectValue model
    default selectValue :: HasField "id" model (SelectValue model) => model -> SelectValue model
    selectValue = (.id)

instance ToHtml FormField where
    {-# INLINE toHtml #-}
    toHtml ::  FormField -> Html5.Html
    toHtml :: FormField -> Html
toHtml formField :: FormField
formField@(FormField { CSSFramework
$sel:cssFramework:FormField :: FormField -> CSSFramework
cssFramework :: CSSFramework
cssFramework }) = CSSFramework -> CSSFramework -> FormField -> Html
styledFormField CSSFramework
cssFramework CSSFramework
cssFramework FormField

instance ToHtml SubmitButton where
    {-# INLINE toHtml #-}
    toHtml :: SubmitButton -> Html
toHtml submitButton :: SubmitButton
submitButton@(SubmitButton { CSSFramework
$sel:cssFramework:SubmitButton :: SubmitButton -> CSSFramework
cssFramework :: CSSFramework
cssFramework }) = CSSFramework -> CSSFramework -> SubmitButton -> Html
styledSubmitButton CSSFramework
cssFramework CSSFramework
cssFramework SubmitButton

-- | Returns the form's action attribute for a given record.
class ModelFormAction record where
    modelFormAction :: (?context :: ControllerContext) => record -> Text

    ( HasField "id" record (Id' (GetTableName record))
    , HasField "meta" record MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName record)
    , Show (Id' (GetTableName record))
    ) => ModelFormAction record where
    -- | Returns the form's action attribute for a given record.
    -- Expects that AutoRoute is used. Otherwise you need to use @formFor'@ or specify
    -- a manual ModelFormAction instance.
    -- We guess the form submit action based on the current url
    -- It's a @New..Action@ or @Edit..Action@. We guess the corresponding
    -- @Create..Action@ name or @Update..Action@ name based on the AutoRoute rules
    -- In case the routing is not based on AutoRoute, a manual ModelFormAction instance needs
    -- to be defined
    modelFormAction :: (?context::ControllerContext) => record -> Text
modelFormAction record
record =
            path :: [Text]
path = Request
(?context::ControllerContext) => Request
            action :: Text
action = if record -> Bool
forall model. HasField "meta" model MetaBag => model -> Bool
isNew record
                then Text
"Create" Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> forall model. KnownSymbol (GetModelName model) => Text
getModelName @record
                else Text
"Update" Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> forall model. KnownSymbol (GetModelName model) => Text
getModelName @record Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
"?" Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text -> Text
lcfirst (forall model. KnownSymbol (GetModelName model) => Text
getModelName @record) Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
"Id=" Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Id' (GetTableName record) -> Text
forall a. Show a => a -> Text
tshow record
            [Text] -> Maybe [Text]
forall a. [a] -> Maybe [a]
init [Text]
                Maybe [Text] -> (Maybe [Text] -> [Text]) -> [Text]
forall {t1} {t2}. t1 -> (t1 -> t2) -> t2
|> (\Maybe [Text]
path -> [Text
""] [Text] -> [Text] -> [Text]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> ([Text] -> Maybe [Text] -> [Text]
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe [] Maybe [Text]
path) [Text] -> [Text] -> [Text]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> [Text
                [Text] -> ([Text] -> Text) -> Text
forall {t1} {t2}. t1 -> (t1 -> t2) -> t2
|> Text -> [Text] -> Text
intercalate Text

-- | Renders a validation failure for a field. If the field passed all validation, no error is shown.
-- >>> {validationResult #email}
-- <div class="invalid-feedback">is not a valid email</div>
validationResult :: forall fieldName model fieldType.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model fieldType
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , InputValue fieldType
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> Html
validationResult :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model fieldType.
(?formContext::FormContext model,
 HasField fieldName model fieldType, HasField "meta" model MetaBag,
 KnownSymbol fieldName, InputValue fieldType,
 KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> Html
validationResult Proxy fieldName
field = CSSFramework -> CSSFramework -> FormField -> Html
styledValidationResult CSSFramework
cssFramework CSSFramework
cssFramework (Proxy fieldName -> FormField
forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model value.
(?formContext::FormContext model, HasField fieldName model value,
 HasField "meta" model MetaBag, KnownSymbol fieldName,
 InputValue value, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> FormField
textField Proxy fieldName
        result :: Maybe Text
result = Proxy fieldName -> model -> Maybe Text
forall (field :: Symbol) model.
(KnownSymbol field, HasField "meta" model MetaBag) =>
Proxy field -> model -> Maybe Text
getValidationFailure Proxy fieldName
field model
        model :: model
model = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model
        cssFramework :: CSSFramework
cssFramework = ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model

-- | Returns the validation failure for a field. If the field passed all validation, this returns 'Nothing'.
-- >>> {validationResultMaybe #email}
-- Just "is not a valid email"
validationResultMaybe :: forall fieldName model fieldType.
    ( ?formContext :: FormContext model
    , HasField fieldName model fieldType
    , HasField "meta" model MetaBag
    , KnownSymbol fieldName
    , KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)
    ) => Proxy fieldName -> Maybe Text
validationResultMaybe :: forall (fieldName :: Symbol) model fieldType.
(?formContext::FormContext model,
 HasField fieldName model fieldType, HasField "meta" model MetaBag,
 KnownSymbol fieldName, KnownSymbol (GetModelName model)) =>
Proxy fieldName -> Maybe Text
validationResultMaybe Proxy fieldName
field = Proxy fieldName -> model -> Maybe Text
forall (field :: Symbol) model.
(KnownSymbol field, HasField "meta" model MetaBag) =>
Proxy field -> model -> Maybe Text
getValidationFailure Proxy fieldName
field ?formContext::FormContext model
FormContext model