module IHP.Controller.RequestContext
( RequestContext (..)
, Respond
, RequestBody (..)
) where

import           ClassyPrelude
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import           Network.Wai                   (Request, Response, ResponseReceived)
import           Network.Wai.Parse (File, Param)
import           IHP.FrameworkConfig
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson

type Respond = Response -> IO ResponseReceived

data RequestBody
    = FormBody { RequestBody -> [Param]
params :: [Param], RequestBody -> [File ByteString]
files :: [File LBS.ByteString] }
    | JSONBody { RequestBody -> Maybe Value
jsonPayload :: Maybe Aeson.Value, RequestBody -> ByteString
rawPayload :: LByteString } -- ^ The jsonPayload is the decoded json request. We keep a copy of the original json request in rawPayload, so that you can e.g. get a HMAC signature from the request

data RequestContext = RequestContext
    { RequestContext -> Request
request :: Request
    , RequestContext -> Respond
respond :: Respond
    , RequestContext -> RequestBody
requestBody :: RequestBody
    , RequestContext -> FrameworkConfig
frameworkConfig :: FrameworkConfig