- IHP.ApplicationContext
- Assets
- IHP.Assets.Types
- IHP.Assets.ViewFunctions Functions for dealing with CSS and JS files, e.g.
- AuthSupport
- IHP.AuthSupport.Authentication Authentication functions
- Controller
- IHP.AuthSupport.Controller.Sessions Provides action implementations for SessionControllers
- IHP.AuthSupport.Lockable
- View
- IHP.AutoRefresh Provides automatically diff-based refreshing views after page load
- IHP.AutoRefresh.Types Types & Data Structures for IHP AutoRefresh
- IHP.AutoRefresh.View
- Breadcrumb
- Controller
- IHP.Controller.AccessDenied
- IHP.Controller.BasicAuth Very Simple Basic Auth
- IHP.Controller.Context
- IHP.Controller.Cookie Set Cookies
- IHP.Controller.FileUpload Easy access to uploaded files
- IHP.Controller.Layout
- IHP.Controller.NotFound
- IHP.Controller.Param Accessing query parameters and the request body
- IHP.Controller.Redirect redirect helpers
- IHP.Controller.Render
- IHP.Controller.RequestContext
- IHP.Controller.Response
- IHP.Controller.Session Functions to work with session cookies, provides
and friends
- IHP.ControllerPrelude
- IHP.ControllerSupport
- DataSync
- IHP.DataSync.ChangeNotifications
- IHP.DataSync.Controller
- IHP.DataSync.ControllerImpl
- IHP.DataSync.DynamicQuery The normal IHP query functionality is type-safe. This module provides type-unsafe access to the database.
- IHP.DataSync.DynamicQueryCompiler Compiles a DynamicQuery to SQL
- IHP.DataSync.Role Postgres role management for RLS
- IHP.DataSync.RowLevelSecurity
- IHP.DataSync.Types
- IHP.EnvVar
- IHP.Environment
- IHP.ErrorController Provides web-based error screens for runtime errors in IHP
- IHP.Fetch fetch, fetchOne, fetchOneOrNothing and friends
- IHP.FetchRelated Provides fetchRelated, collectionFetchRelated, etc.
- FileStorage
- IHP.FileStorage.Config Helpers for Config.hs to set up the File Storage
- IHP.FileStorage.ControllerFunctions Store uploaded files
- IHP.FileStorage.MimeTypes Mime Type helpers
- Preprocessor
- IHP.FileStorage.Preprocessor.ImageMagick Preprocessor for images. Requires that you add
to theotherDeps
inside the project's @default.nix.
- IHP.FileStorage.Preprocessor.ImageMagick Preprocessor for images. Requires that you add
- IHP.FileStorage.Types
- FlashMessages
- IHP.FlashMessages.ControllerFunctions Success and error messages for your application
- IHP.FlashMessages.Types
- IHP.FlashMessages.ViewFunctions Success and error messages for your application
- IHP.FrameworkConfig
- IHP.HaskellSupport Provides helpers to write better haskell code
- Job
- IHP.Job.Dashboard Auto-generate a dashboard for job types
- IHP.Job.Dashboard.Auth Authentication for Job dashboard
- IHP.Job.Dashboard.Types Types for Job dashboard
- IHP.Job.Dashboard.Utils
- IHP.Job.Dashboard.View Views for Job dashboard
- IHP.Job.Queue Functions to operate on the Job Queue Database
- IHP.Job.Runner Functions to run jobs
- IHP.Job.Types
- IHP.Job.Dashboard Auto-generate a dashboard for job types
- IHP.LibDir Functions to access the IHP lib/ directory at runtime
- IHP.Log Functions to write logs at all log levels.
- IHP.Log.Types Types for the IHP logging system
- LoginSupport
- IHP.Mail Send Emails
- IHP.Mail.Types Types for emails
- IHP.MailPrelude Prelude for email views
- Modal
- IHP.Modal.ControllerFunctions Controller Helper Functions to use modals
- IHP.Modal.Types
- IHP.Modal.ViewFunctions View Helper Functions to use modals
- IHP.ModelSupport
- IHP.NameSupport Transforms names, e.g. table names to model names
- IHP.PGListener Event listener handling pg_notify messages
- PageHead
- IHP.PageHead.ControllerFunctions Manage the
tags of your HTML pages - IHP.PageHead.Types
- IHP.PageHead.ViewFunctions Manage the
tags of your HTML pages
- IHP.PageHead.ControllerFunctions Manage the
- Pagination
- IHP.Pagination.ControllerFunctions Paginate results in your actions
- IHP.Pagination.Helpers
- IHP.Pagination.Types
- IHP.Pagination.ViewFunctions
- IHP.Prelude
- IHP.QueryBuilder Tool to build simple sql queries
- Router
- IHP.RouterPrelude Prelude used by modules like Web.Routes, Admin.Routes, etc.
- IHP.RouterSupport
- IHP.SchemaMigration Managing Database Migrations
- IHP.ScriptSupport Run scripts inside the framework context, but outside of the usual web request response lifecycle
- IHP.Server
- Test
- IHP.ValidationSupport
- IHP.Version Find out the current IHP version
- View
- IHP.View.CSSFramework Adds support for bootstrap, tailwind, etc. to IHP
- IHP.View.Classes Provides the classes view helper function
- IHP.View.Form
and all form controls - IHP.View.TimeAgo View Helpers for dealing with Time and Dates
- IHP.View.Types
- IHP.ViewErrorMessages
- IHP.ViewPrelude
- IHP.ViewSupport Provides functions to be used in all views
- IHP.WebSocket Building blocks for websocket applications
- Welcome
- Paths_ihp